Bachelor of Science in Engineering (SPI)

  • area: Science, technology and health in tropical environments
  • course:
  • ECTS credits
  • level of studies
    at the end of training

  • Teaching locations
    Saint-Denis - Moufia Campus
  • Type of training : Licence
  • Training regime: Initial formation

Training summary

The Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur (SPI) specialization aims to provide solid multidisciplinary training, through two specializations: digital energy and robotics/instrumentation and digital simulation, in the scientific and technological fields of energy, electronics, automation, signal processing and embedded systems, both theoretically and practically (thanks to project-based teaching from Bachelor's degree 1 to Bachelor's degree 3, and practical work).

Training objectives

The pedagogy of the SPI License is based on the project approach from the 1st year to the 3rd year (project team, project management tools, oral presentations, milestones, etc.). The major and minor teaching units rely on this structure to provide knowledge in their respective fields. The projects concern energy, solar, robotics, digital, measurement, instrumentation. With, for example, possible applications: the optimization of solar energy collection, the study of a digital weather station, the processing of measurement data in Python, robotics and the Arduino platform, etc.

Advantages of the training

This degree provides a variety of career opportunities and studies in the fields of energy, embedded systems, electronics, automation, industrial computing, robotics, research or teaching.

Targeted skills

  • Identify the main families of materials and their properties
  • Mobilize concepts in mathematics, physics, chemistry, thermodynamics, in order to address problems specific to different industrial fields
  • Identify the role and scope of engineering sciences in all sectors: natural environments, industrial environments, transport, urban environments, etc.
  • Validate a model by comparing its predictions to experimental results and assess its limits of validity
  • Mobilize the mathematical tools necessary for modeling
  • Estimate orders of magnitude and correctly manipulate units
  • Integrate a correct vision of space and its representations
  • Isolate a system
  • Implement algorithmic and programming techniques, particularly to develop simple data acquisition and processing applications
  • Use reference digital tools and IT security rules to acquire, process, produce and disseminate information as well as to collaborate internally and externally
  • Identify, select and critically analyze various resources in your field of specialty to document a subject and synthesize this data for use
  • Analyze and synthesize data for use
  • Develop an argument critically
  • Easily use the different registers of written and oral expression of the French language
  • Communicate clearly orally and in writing in at least one foreign language
  • Identify and locate the professional fields potentially related to the acquired knowledge of the mention as well as the possible paths to access them.
  • Characterize and promote your identity, skills and professional project based on a context.
  • Identify the process of production, dissemination and valorization of knowledge.
  • Position your role and mission within an organization in order to adapt and take initiatives.
  • Respect the principles of ethics, professional conduct and environmental responsibility
  • Work in a team and in a network as well as in autonomy and responsibility in the service of a project
  • Analyze your actions in a professional situation, self-evaluate to improve your practice

Sheet of the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP n°38980)


Summary of lessons by course

The SPI License aims to provide courses related to engineering professions in different areas of physics. It covers different aspects of mechanics, electronics, robotics, digital and computer sciences, but also the exploitation of thermal, electrical or electromagnetic energies.

After a common core in License 1, options allow you to differentiate between two specialties:

  • SPI License – Instrumentation and Digital Simulations (ISN), centered around the modeling of physical systems, particularly in the fields of electronics, electrical energy and multi-physical systems.
  • and the SPI License – Digital Energy and Robotics (ENR), focused on the use of microprogrammed systems, robotics (programming and servocontrol).




The training is based on the development of projects which are the basis of the lessons taught each semester. The training therefore includes six project periods corresponding to the six semesters of the License.

Specific devices

License 1 SPI – Individualized course 1:
As part of this individualized course, the first year of the Bachelor's degree is carried out in the classic way in one year

License 1 SPI – Individualized course 2:
As part of this individualized course, the first year of the Bachelor's degree is also completed in one year. The particularity of this course consists in the fact that methodological support is added to the lessons. Methodological support is mandatory and takes place throughout the year. Several techniques are presented to students in order to be able to implement good university working methods as early as possible.

License 1 SPI – Individualized course 3:
As part of this individualized course, the first year of the degree is completed over two years. This path is planned to allow students who need it to reduce the workload per year. The lessons of the first year of the Bachelor's degree are therefore spread over two years rather than just one.

Conditions of access to training

Bachelor's degree or equivalent

Continuing Studies

Masters, specialized schools or major schools in the following fields: energy, embedded systems, electronics, automation, industrial IT, industrial, robotics, research, teaching.

Career opportunities

  • Assistant engineer
  • Design engineer
  • Business engineer
  • Project manager
  • Research Analyst
  • Consultant Specific devices


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