Master – Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution (BEE) | Biodiversity and Tropical Ecosystems – Aquatic, Coastal and Islands (BEST-ALI)

  • area: Science, technology and health in tropical environments
  • course: BEST-ALI course, focused on the Biodiversity of Tropical Aquatic, Coastal and Island Ecosystems
  • ECTS credits
  • level of studies
    at the end of training

    Baccalaureate +5
  • Teaching locations
    Saint-Denis - Moufia Campus
  • Type of training : Master
  • Training regime: Initial formation

Training summary

The BEE Master is organized into two courses:

  • BEST-ALI, focused on aquatic, coastal and island ecosystems
  • BEST-T, focused on terrestrial, natural and cultivated ecosystems.

The objective of the Master in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution (BEE) is to train students at baccalaureate +5 level capable of carrying out fundamental or applied research work, expert work or environmental assessment in the fields of ecology and tropical biodiversity.

Depending on the course chosen and the internships completed in Master 1 and Master 2, students will specialize in the field of aquatic, coastal and island ecosystems or in that of terrestrial, natural and cultivated ecosystems. 

The training is carried out through classic academic approaches offering theoretical background, but also through applied field studies in Reunion or in the Indian Ocean zone. Its aim is the assimilation of operational techniques of terrestrial and marine ecology, via project-based approaches to develop skills in terms of organization and collaboration in French and English.

For the BEST-ALI course, the training takes place over two years, on the Moufia campus with two internship periods. It is supported by the Science and Technology Training and Research Unit and the Joint Research Unit (UMR) Entropie.

The BEST-ALI course has a network of partnerships specific to the marine and coastal domain in Reunion, in France, in other overseas communities and internationally in the Indian Ocean zone, in particular with institutes and laboratories of research, agencies and administrations, as well as with private and associative structures such as design offices, associations with a local or international dimension.

Training objectives

The objective of the Master's in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution (BEE) is to train students at baccalaureate +5 level capable of carrying out fundamental or applied research, expert work or environmental assessment in the fields of ecology and tropical biodiversity.

Advantages of the training

The BEST-ALI course offers both solid training in ecology and evolutionary biology, but also a specialization in aquatic, coastal and island tropical ecosystems.
An interdisciplinarity approach is proposed.

The training is carried out via classic academic approaches aimed at offering serious theoretical background to students, but also via applied field studies in Reunion or in the Indian Ocean zone, aiming to assimilate the operational techniques used during studies in terrestrial and marine ecology, via project-based approaches to develop organizational and collaborative skills.


Targeted skills

Organisational skills :

  • Work independently (know how to set priorities and manage your time)
  • Use of communication and information technologies
  • Information search and critical restitution

Social skills :

  • Communicate: write, prepare and comment on a report using communication media, communicate in a foreign language (English), speak in public, etc.
  • Working as a team: positioning yourself, collaborating and integrating into a professional environment

Scientific skills:

  • Complex situation analysis via a multidisciplinary approach
  • Knowledge of regulations and implementation of an experimental approach

Specific disciplinary skills:

  • Acquisition of a scientific culture allowing integration into the scientific environment and adaptation to future developments in techniques relating to the fields

Sheet of the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP n°39185)

Summary of lessons by course

Master 1

  • English
  • Digital ecology
  • Population dynamics and genetics
  • Evolutionary ecology
  • Biodiversity health and environment
  • Marine populations and life cycles
  • Coral reefs and associated environments
  • Offshore environments and megafauna
  • Discovery of the professional environment

Master 2

  • Global changes and disruptions
  • Evolutionary ecology
  • Hylogeography and conservation
  • Environmental studies and valorization
  • Law, economics and sociology of the environment
  • Experience in a professional environment


Thirty-nine day internship in Master 1 and six months in Master 2

Specific devices

Not concerned

Conditions of access to training

On file, baccalaureate + 3 or equivalent

Continuing Studies


Career opportunities

  • Environment and sustainable development project manager
  • Biodiversity study manager
  • Ecology project manager
  • Modeling research manager
  • Natural site manager
  • Trainer in biology ecology
  • Employment in theteaching and research

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