Professional license – Civil engineering and construction trades

  • area: Science, technology and health in tropical environments
  • course: Project management and works supervision
  • ECTS credits
  • level of studies
    at the end of training

    Baccalaureate + 3
  • Teaching locations
    Saint-Pierre - Terre-Sainte Campus
  • Type of training : Bachelor's degree
  • Training regime: Continuing training, work-study training

Training summary

This Professional License (LP) allows you to acquire the skills of “site driver” or “project driver”.

Training objectives

Periods in a professional environment gradually make it possible to manage responsibilities on construction sites or in a design office, hence the need for longer periods in a company and/or design office at the end of the course. The future graduate must show their ability to manage a site or a project, alone and independently, at the end of their training.

Advantages of the training

Several certification opportunities: PIX certification, Voltaire certification and certification in English

A qualified mixed teaching team, combining high-level professionals in the sector, professors and qualified academics in the field

A close partnership with professionals in the sector

Numerous specialized software programs available to students

High-performance job offer rate at the end of the academic year

Targeted skills

  • Analysis / Creation of consultation and execution files
  • Estimation of work projects
  • Assistance in designing work projects
  • Preparation and organization of work
  • Team management and site supervision
  • Management of site resources
  • Carrying out and monitoring the work in compliance with safety rules, professional standards and the environment
  • Works receipt
  • Marketing of company skills

Sheet of the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP n°40054)

Summary of lessons by course


  • Business communication: technical English, computer communication techniques, professional communication – management
  • Professional and legal environment: knowledge of labor law and employee-employer relations, insurance, legal and administrative rules for works contracts, basics of construction law and town planning rules, urban planning, entrepreneurship – business creation and takeover
  • Procurement and preparation of works: knowledge of public and private markets, law relating to public project management (MOP), organization, management and coordination mission (OPC), knowledge of the normative and regulatory environment, construction methods – sustainable construction, technical, administrative and economic analysis of a consultation file, price study in business, development of methods and preparation of the site, planning of works, IT applied to construction methods and methods of carrying out works
    • Site management, management and execution of works: technical and financial management of sites, quality approach, prevention and safety of the site, environmental plan and management of site waste, topography applied to the site, knowledge of materials, implementation techniques and securing construction sites


Tutored project and professional dissertation

Specific devices

Not concerned

Conditions of access to training

After study of the file, Baccalaureate + 2 level or equivalent

Continuing Studies

The LP is a national higher education diploma which confers on its holder the degree of license and pursues a priority objective of professional integration.

Career opportunities

  • Works manager
  • Quality/safety/environment manager
  • Work coordinator
  • Production manager
  • Construction technical studies manager
  • Project manager
  • Technical Services Assistant

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