Master – History
- area: Cultures, territories and plural societies in the Indian Ocean
- course: Indian Ocean, society, culture, power
ECTS credits
120 -
level of studies
at the end of training
Baccalaureate + 5 -
Teaching locations
Saint-Denis - Moufia Campus - Type of training : Master
- Training regime: Initial formation
Training summary
History training takes place in the form of seminars, lectures and Directed Work (TD).
The objective of the training is first to strengthen historical culture before beginning personal research leading to the defense of an end-of-cycle dissertation.
An internship related to the subject of study of the dissertation constitutes an asset within these two years.
The training begins with a set of courses on methodology and know-how related to research. The aim is to discover the specific approach to research and to prevent the dangers of an intuitive approach: risks of plagiarism, compilation, etc.
To these crucial elements are added the fundamental Teaching Units (UE) which cover the fields of history in the study of Indian Ocean societies.
The training course includes courses on social and cultural history, heritage, politics, archaeology, representations, etc. This training gives an essential place to current historical research (international congress of historical sciences, historiographies, recent international publications, “digital turn” in the historian’s profession, etc.).
The lessons focus on all periods and provide information on the current state of research in the area as well as current questions in historical research.
The training program includes throughout the Master's degree in-depth monitoring of the student's historical study subject (analysis of the corpus, approach to historical demonstration, construction of the narrative and training in writing in history, etc.).
In these semesters, the deepening of foreign languages constitutes an important axis in the training of students.
Training objectives
- Confronting historical knowledge
- Develop examiner doubt
- Analyze historical knowledge
- Build a scientifically developed approach
- Develop reasoning and multiply approaches in order to answer questions
- Develop skills in know-how (examination of files, understanding of issues, organization of ideas, written and oral expressions, analysis of events, etc.)
- Learn to produce a personal speech from historical sources
- Learn about Indian-Oceanic spaces with studies on societies, cultures, and powers
Advantages of the training
The training program includes throughout the Master's degree in-depth monitoring of the student's historical study subject (choice of subject, analysis of the corpus, collection of information, approach to analyzing the surveys carried out, approach to historical demonstration, construction of the story and training in writing in history, etc.).
In-depth reading of specialized books and articles related to the subject chosen is essential.
The emphasis is on critical perspective and personal reflection.
The training includes strong awareness of plagiarism and the need to rigorously reference the origin of all the information provided in the dissertation. Preparing additional appendices to the dissertation teaches you to develop the ability to present the results obtained by relevant visual means (diagrams, graphs, historical maps, etc.)
The use of digital tools is developed for research, for analysis, for the dissemination of results in written, visual and oral form.
Oral expression is required in the context of presentations, presentation of the progress of the work and for the defense of the dissertation.
In these semesters, the deepening of foreign languages constitutes an important axis for the training of students.
Targeted skills
The skills targeted are autonomy in the quest for information and the organization of work, the ability to find and read source documents (archives, press, oral testimonies, etc.). The implementation of analysis tools allowing the development of working documents on which to support reflection and the writing of the dissertation is an essential skill. It is the analysis that leads to explanations beyond the simple compilation of knowledge.
Learning to write a dissertation is another essential skill for the success of the Master's degree: everything must respect the writing standards required in history. Learning scientific writing is another expectation of the Master: the student. must write an argued text, supported by references to sources and works more clearly indicated in notes.
Summary of lessons by course
The Master 1 lessons focus on the methods of producing a scientific dissertation, the standards, the rules to follow, the difficulties to overcome. The profession of historian, the specificity of the historical approach, the methods to be implemented are explained. The history of the Indian Ocean region and that of heritage are approached based on concrete cases and recent and ongoing research work. The ancient and recent history of the Indian Ocean are explored in depth. The use of digital tools for history as well as for sciences in general is explained and practiced. Current research makes it possible to show the current state of historical questions and current approaches.
The Master 2 focuses more specifically on the writing of the dissertation, with lessons on scientific writing, on the use of English in history, and in-depth study on questions related to local history, archeology , colonial history, slavery, Indian Ocean societies as well as current political and cultural issues.
On all these subjects, the lessons show how historical questions are subjects of debate, of confrontation, how received ideas can be challenged and debated: the objective is to show that scientific research is in constant evolution and is a challenge in question at all times.
A Master 2 internship
Specific devices
Not concerned
Conditions of access to training
On file, baccalaureate + 3 or equivalent
Continuing Studies
- Doctorate
- Teaching competition
- Administrative competitions
- Administrative jobs
- Research
- Conservation of archives for private companies…
Career opportunities
- Research
- Teaching
- Archives
- Library
- Administration
Educational contact