Multidisciplinary Cycle of Higher Studies in Economics and Sciences for Engineering (CPES)

  • area: Cultures, territories and plural societies in the Indian Ocean
  • course: Not applicable
  • ECTS credits
  • level of studies
    at the end of training

    Baccalaureate +3
  • Teaching locations
    Saint-Denis - Moufia Campus
  • Type of training : Integrated preparatory cycle
  • Training regime: Initial formation

Training summary

This CPES is based on a partnership between the Lislet Geoffroy high school and the University of La Réunion. It creates a three-year interdisciplinary course that awards the Bachelor's degree and allows access to a Master's degree. It is open to holders of a general or technological baccalaureate, with the Science and Technology of Industry and Sustainable Development (STI2D) specialty being preferred for the latter. This is a training course oriented towards social diversity that aims to recruit 50% of scholarship holders based on social criteria and to achieve gender parity. It combines the complementary fields of engineering science and economics and aims to contribute to a solid transversal culture in the field of humanities. After a joint semester that takes place at the high school, students choose between the economics and engineering science courses. The entire class continues to expand their general culture in the field of humanities and to increase their skills in written and oral argumentation during the three years.

Training objectives

The CPES economics and sciences for engineers is a specific three-year course combining the University of La Réunion and the Lislet Geoffroy high school. This selective training is aimed at motivated high school students wishing to acquire an ambitious training due to the diversity of the disciplines studied and their in-depth study. At the end of the 3 years, students are intended to integrate selective Masters offered by universities or schools. In the first year, the majority of courses take place at the high school. Throughout the three years, students benefit from individualized monitoring and tutoring.

Advantages of the training

The high school provides lessons with a strong transfer of knowledge and methodological skills as well as individualized monitoring. The university provides support for research through specialist university courses and the attachment of research laboratories. At the educational level, the objective is to encourage regular work and maintain group dynamics. Individual and group tutoring is provided over the three years, as well as coaching and individualized support. To maintain team spirit and group cohesion, common courses continue to take place during the three years of the course, regardless of the course chosen. Apart from disciplinary skills, the targeted skills relate to attention to concentration, altruism and intention of action, non-verbal communication, stress management, collaborative work in project mode.

Targeted skills

  • Mobilize the main concepts of economics: microeconomics, macroeconomics, money and finance, economic policy, international economics, within the framework of the analysis and interpretation of economic documents
  • Mobilize concepts from the human and social sciences in order to better understand societal issues
  • Implement algorithmic and programming techniques to develop simple data processing and analysis applications using software and statistical methods
  • Infer links between variables in a population from hypothesis tests carried out on samples
  • Mobilize the mathematical tools necessary for modeling
    Communicate orally and in writing, clearly in at least one foreign language
  • Develop an argument critically
  • Easily use different registers of written and oral expression

Summary of lessons by course

This selective training combines the advantages of the preparatory class and the Bachelor's degree. It combines the complementary fields of engineering sciences and economics and aims to contribute to a solid transversal culture in the field of humanities. After a common core at the start of the course, students choose between the economics and engineering sciences courses. Regardless of the course, the entire class continues to expand their general culture in the field of humanities and to increase their skills in written and oral argumentation, real assets for professional selection. The training is completed by an intensive English course in the first year and by an internship in a company or an initiation to research in the third year. In the first year, the majority of courses take place in high school. Throughout the three years, students benefit from individualized monitoring and tutoring. Holders of the CPES economics and engineering sciences will mainly continue their studies in Masters, in specialized schools or in grandes écoles.


The training offers an intensive English internship in the first year. Students have the option of going on an internship in the second or third year. While the third-year internship is compulsory, the second-year internship is optional.

Specific devices

To enable CPES students to succeed in the best conditions, individual and group tutoring is put in place over the three years, as well as coaching and individualized support.

Conditions of access to training

On file, baccalaureate or equivalent

Continuing Studies

  • Master of Economics
  • Master of Physics
  • engineering schools
  • business schools

Career opportunities

The CPES does not confer professional status in itself but can open up certain professional opportunities depending on the chosen path:

  • Collaborator of study manager
  • Assistant economic project manager
  • Investigation manager
  • Responsible for economic monitoring
  • Senior methods or research technician (study)
  • Engineer assistant (control, quality)
  • Scientific facilitator
  • Laboratory technician
  • Maintenance Technician

MOREAU Nicolas
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