Master – Teaching, education and training professions (MEEF), 2nd degree | German

  • area: Cultures, territories and plural societies in the Indian Ocean
  • course: German
  • ECTS credits
  • level of studies
    at the end of training

    Baccalaureate +5
  • Teaching locations
    Saint-Denis - Bellepierre Site
  • Type of training : Master
  • Training regime: Initial formation

Training summary

This professional training organized over two years (Master 1 and Master 2) combines university teaching units, training in and through research and internships in secondary schools.

It thus allows students to become reflective practitioners serving the XNUMXst century school.

Training objectives

The MEEF Master's degree in German aims to prepare students for both the national competition for the Certificate of Aptitude for Teaching in Secondary Education (CAPES) in German and for the profession of German teacher in middle and high schools.

This professional training aims to acquire all the skills of the teaching framework through university teaching units, training in and through research and internships in secondary schools.

It thus allows students to acquire disciplinary and didactic skills as well as transversal skills linked to the culture common to all future teaching and education staff so that they can be reflective practitioners.

Advantages of the training

The MEEF Master's degree German course has the advantage of allowing students to gradually learn the teaching profession through work-study programs. It offers students a four-semester course, allowing them to validate a national MEEF Master's degree. Recruitment competitions are organized at the end of the second year of the Master's degree.
To become a middle or high school teacher, passing the competitive exam is a mandatory step which requires good knowledge, both practical and theoretical.

The advantages of the MEEF Master's degree in Germany are that it provides this high-level theoretical background, but also supports future teachers' entry into the professional world thanks to:

  • courses related to the discipline of the future teacher
  • lessons oriented towards the practice of the profession, familiarizing you with future life in the classroom
  • numerous internships from the first year of the Master's degree, up to a part-time internship in an educational establishment for a significant part of the second year
  • courses shared with other future education professionals, progressive specialization.

Targeted skills

Skills common to all teachers and education staff, actors in the public education service:

  • Sharing the values ​​of the Republic
  • To register its action within the framework of the fundamental principles of the educational system and within the regulatory framework of the school

Teachers and education staff, pedagogues and educators working to ensure student success:

  • Knowing students and learning processes
  • Take into account the diversity of students
  • Supporting students in their training path
  • Act as a responsible educator and according to ethical principles
  • Master the French language for communication purposes
  • Use a modern foreign language in situations required by your job
  • Integrate the elements of digital culture necessary for the exercise of your profession

Teachers and educational staff, players in the educational community:

  • Cooperate within a team
  • Contribute to the action of the educational community
  • Cooperate with parents of students
  • Cooperate with school partners
  • Engage in an individual and collective approach to professional development


Skills common to all teachers, professionals who carry knowledge and a common culture:

  • Master disciplinary knowledge and their didactics
  • Master the French language as part of your teaching


Teachers, expert learning practitioners:

  • Build, implement and facilitate teaching and learning situations that take into account student diversity
  • Organize and ensure a group operating mode that promotes student learning and socialization
  • Evaluate student progress and acquisitions

Sheet of the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP n°38356)

Summary of lessons by course

The MEEF Master’s training with the German route is structured around three axes:

1) The first part of the training concerns the culture common to all teachers and educators. The future actors of the educational community thus follow common lessons together which make it possible to create and live a shared culture. This shared culture promotes, on the ground, the cohesion of teaching teams, which is a key factor in student success.
These common lessons cover in particular the following areas: secularism and values ​​of the Republic, fight against all forms of discrimination, child psychology, civil service law, inclusive education, diversity management, learning processes, fight against gender stereotypes, etc.

2) The second part is structured around learning the profession in a specific training adapted thanks to disciplinary and didactic university teachings ensuring a reinforcement of the knowledge and skills of Germanists of the students to prepare them to exercise the profession of German teacher as well as for the competition.

3) The third component concerns training in contact with the field and in connection with research. The MEEF Master's German course as a university course mobilizes teaching teams from different backgrounds. Secondary school German teachers, teacher-researchers, professionals working in National Education (inspectors, heads of establishments, etc.) are involved throughout the training course. The plural nature of these teams makes it possible to provide training in line with the exercise of the profession.
Also at the heart of the MEEF course:
learning by and through digital technology
the use of innovative methods and tools
international opening
the research
writing a dissertation based on the training course and other lessons learned during the training. 


Internships in secondary schools 

Specific devices

Not concerned

Conditions of access to training

On file, baccalaureate + 3 or equivalent

Continuing Studies


Career opportunities

  • Teaching German in a local public educational establishment
  • Training professions


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