State diploma in midwifery
- area: Science, technology and health in tropical environments
- course: Not applicable
ECTS credits
DFGSMa: 180 and DFASMa/ State diploma in midwifery: 120 -
level of studies
at the end of training
Baccalaureate + 3 to obtain the General Training Diploma in Midwifery Sciences (DFGSMa), Baccalaureate + 5 to obtain the Advanced Training Diploma in Midwifery Sciences (DFASMa) corresponding to the State Midwifery Diploma -
Teaching locations
Saint-Denis - Bellepierre Site, Saint-Pierre - Terre-Sainte Campus - Type of training : Master
- Training regime: Initial formation
Training summary
The training is organized in schools and health establishments. It is shared with certain lessons from the first cycle of Medicine training.
Training objectives
The training objectives are governed by ministerial decrees.
The decree of July 19, 2011, as amended, stipulates the following objectives:
- The acquisition of a foundation of scientific knowledge essential for the subsequent mastery of the knowledge and skills necessary for the practice of the profession of midwife. This scientific foundation includes biology, certain aspects of the exact sciences, several disciplines of the human and social sciences, essential for the progressive appropriation of the skills necessary for the practice of medical professions.
- The fundamental approach to the human being with a view to maintaining health and caring for the sick, through the acquisition of knowledge in public health, clinical and paraclinical semiology.
- The acquisition of fundamental knowledge of pathophysiology and pharmacology allowing the student to obtain an integrated vision of the normal and pathological functioning of the devices and systems of the human body.
The theoretical contribution is supplemented by clinical reasoning activities and practical learning in a clinical environment, allowing the student to build the care relationship and its reflexivity.
The decree of March 11, 2013 stipulates the following objectives:
- The acquisition of scientific knowledge essential to mastering the knowledge and skills necessary for practicing the profession of midwife, complementing and deepening those acquired during the previous cycle
This knowledge base includes fundamental and biomedical sciences, human and social sciences, public health and all the disciplines necessary for the practice of midwifery, as defined in Article L. 4151-1 of the Public Health Code. - Acquisition of practical knowledge and skills during clinical training and internships
- Training in the scientific approach
- Learning to work in a multi-professional team and acquiring the communication techniques essential to professional practice
- Awareness of continuing professional development including assessment of professional practices and continuous deepening of knowledge.
Advantages of the training
The training preparing for the state diploma of midwife is a medical, professionalizing and constantly evolving training, which allows its holder to immediately practice in a hospital, private or territorial environment.
The midwifery school of La Réunion is the only one ÉEuropean school in the Indian Ocean.
From the second cycle corresponding to the 4th year (DFASMa1) the student has the status of a hospital student in midwifery. Students therefore receive a monthly salary after service performed in the same way as medical students in the 4th year.
The skills acquired during the five years of training allow a multi-professional exercise.
Targeted skills
A common core allowing the acquisition of skills and knowledge for
- communicate
- detect and prevent
- make a diagnosis
- design a therapeutic proposal
- provide and coordinate appropriate care
- ensure first aid procedures
- understand public health objectives
- apply legal and professional rules and ethical principles in relation to future professional practice
- work as a team around the patient
- base your professional practice on scientific foundations
Summary of lessons by course
The training is organized in schools and health establishments. It is shared with certain lessons from the first cycle of Medicine training.
The training content based on the competency-based approach prepares students for the following actions:
- Pregnancy monitoring
- Childbirth management
- Preparing for parenthood
- Psychology
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Gynecological monitoring and contraception
- Professional legislation
- Public health
This is an integrative work-study training program (half-time teaching, half-time internship) in different maternity hospitals (in France or abroad).
Specific devices
Individualized monitoring of each student: this monitoring makes it possible to readjust the internship locations, thus monitoring the student's educational progress.
Conditions of access to training
Students can enroll in the second year of midwifery:
1. Baccalaureate holders
2. Admitted at the end of the classification tests of the first/second group of the Specific Health Access Pathways (PASS) or (Health Access License) LAS
3. Admitted by the Passerelle direct admission device.
Continuing Studies
The state diploma of midwife is recognized at the level of Master.
Students have the opportunity to continue their training in the field of research and particularly in perinatal care to obtain the title of doctor.
À Following this outcome, the holder of the doctorate now has the possibility of applying for qualification for the positions of Lecturer (MCF) or University Professor if the candidate holds an Accreditation to Direct Research (HDR)
Career opportunities
The diploma ofÉThe status of midwife offers the possibility of immediate professional practice in an establishment or in private or outpatient practice
Educational contact
UFR Health