Degree in Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilizations (LLCER) – Franco-German

  • area: Cultures, territories and plural societies in the Indian Ocean
  • course: Franco-German: German-speaking and French-speaking overseas areas
  • ECTS credits
  • level of studies
    at the end of training

    Baccalaureate +3
  • Teaching locations
    Saint-Denis - Moufia Campus
  • Type of training : Licence
  • Training regime: Initial formation

Training summary

This binational degree under the aegis of the Franco-German University (UFA) takes place at the University of Reunion and the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and leads to the award of a double degree: a French degree and a German Bachelor.

It is aimed at high school graduates who have a good level of German (B1 minimum) and who wish to follow an original and interdisciplinary training, without specializing straight away.

Training that:

  • promotes constant exchanges with Germany and international mobility from License 1
  • entitles you to mobility grants (UFA, Erasmus, Region)
  • adapts to the student's personal project.

Training objectives

This binational degree trains specialists from German-speaking countries by offering them a linguistic, civilizational and literary approach to the Germanic area in training which takes place in Reunion and Germany. As students evolve in a Franco-German class, they develop solid intercultural skills on a daily basis.

Writing a Bachelor thesis promotes the acquisition of linguistic and methodological skills in terms of analysis, synthesis and argumentation in German.

Finally, the License 3 internship allows students to clarify their professional project and strengthen their network by offering them a first professional experience in Germany.

At the end of the training, students obtain a double diploma (French and German) and UFA certification, which makes their profile particularly attractive on the job market in France and Germany.

Advantages of the training

UFA graduates have many strings to their bow, because a binational course is:

  • study within a group of French and German students
  • discover different types of establishments and different teaching methods
  • interacting with foreign cultures on a daily basis
  • complete internships in Germany and thus acquire professional skills internationally
  • assume a significant workload to obtain the double diploma
  • benefit from the reputation and advantages of the UFA, which offers training of excellence renowned for skills and international profiles that are very competitive on the job market.

Targeted skills

Skills reinforced by the binational nature of the course:

  • Disciplinary expertise
  • Experience of stays abroad
  • General and specialized language competence
  • Intercultural competence
  • Flexibility and mobility
  • Commitment and perseverance
  • First professional experiences
  • Team spirit

Main skills:

  • Written and oral expression and communication: easily use the different registers of written and oral expression of the French language; communicate orally and in writing, clearly and unambiguously, in at least one foreign language.
  • Implementation of methods and tools from the disciplinary field: formulate written and oral analyses, syntheses and written translations, from the language studied into the mother tongue or vice versa.
  • Analysis of a question by mobilizing disciplinary concepts: use linguistic tools easily, in one's mother tongue and in the target language(s), allowing communication and understanding of any form of discourse (oral, directly produced or recorded, written, report, correspondence, information, essay, literary production, etc.), in different contexts; mobilize concepts and theoretical frameworks in the field of the study of one or more foreign languages ​​in connection with the corresponding socio-cultural areas; analyze the oral production of the native speaker from phonological and phonetic points of view.
  • Identification of a question within a disciplinary field: mobilizing historical knowledge, cultural and artistic references allowing the construction of perspectives and transfers between the geographical, political and cultural areas relating to the mother tongue and the target language(s); relating the productions of a given linguistic and cultural area at different times or of these productions with those of other cultural areas in a comparative perspective.
  • Data mining for analysis: identify, select and critically analyze various resources in one's field of expertise to document a subject and synthesize this data for use; analyze and synthesize data for use; develop an argument with a critical mind.

Other abilities :

  • Positioning in relation to a professional field
  • Liability action within a professional organization
  • Digital uses

Sheet of the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP n° 40120)

Summary of lessons by course

License 1 at the University of La Réunion:

  • Linguistic improvement, literature, civilization, translation…
  • Minor by choice: Reinforced German / History of European literature and cultural movements / English grammar and literature / Regional geography of the South West Indian Ocean (populations and societies).
  • Modern Foreign and Regional Languages ​​(LVER: English, Spanish, Creole), Opening Teaching Units (UEO)
  • Language tandem with Bochum students: remote tandem throughout the year + face-to-face tandem (8 to 10 days) at the University of Bochum in May/June.

License 2 at the University of Reunion, with German students:

  • Linguistic improvement, translation, literature and history of Germany, German for tourism…
  • French-speaking literature
  • Study of a theme from a Franco-German perspective
  • French and German colonial history and literature: discovery of the Polényk Fund
  • Minor of your choice: reinforced German, English for tourism, literature, geography (the challenges of Reunion)
  • LVER and UEO (language tandem possible)

License 3 at the University of Bochum, with German students:

  •  Choice of courses based on the student's personal project (interviews and personalized follow-up)
  • Writing a Bachelor thesis
  • Professional internship in Germany
  • Franco-German linguistic tandem
  • “Mentoring” (design of cultural activities intended for the promotion of License 1 in May-June)
  • Cultural excursions in Germany (Ruhr, Bonn, Berlin…)


In License 3: compulsory internship of at least 70 hours and writing of a Bachelor thesis.

Specific devices

From License 1 to License 3, the Personalized Pedagogical Device (DPP) is intended for students preparing for second session exams: any student who requests it will be able to benefit from personalized support in the EU concerned.

Conditions of access to training

Bachelor's degree or equivalent

Continuing Studies

Thanks to the double diploma, continuation of studies possible in Reunion, more generally in France or Germany. Excellent international career prospects.

Students who have obtained their License 3 can continue their university studies in:

  • Master's Degree in Teaching, Education and Training Professions (MEEF) at the National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education (INSPÉ) of the University of La Réunion: preparation for the Certificate of Aptitude for Teaching in Secondary Education (CAPES) in German or preparation for teaching in schools.
  • Professional License in Tourism and Leisure Professions (MTL) at the Institute of Business Administration (IAE) of the University of La Réunion – University School of Management (after the 2nd year of Bachelor’s degree)
  • Master in Tourism Management and Engineering (MIT) at the IAE of the University of La Réunion (after the 3rd year of Bachelor's degree)
  • Another Masters then Doctorate in Higher Education and Research in France or Germany

Career opportunities

Wide range of possibilities to enter the professional world locally, nationally or in Germany. 70% of UFA graduates find a suitable position in less than three months, 90% within six months. One in three students receives a job promise even before finishing their studies!

  • Tourism professions,
  • Professions in the cultural sector,
  • Teaching profession,
  • Interpreting and translation professions, etc.



ATTIA Sandie
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