Bachelor’s degree Foreign and regional languages, literatures and civilizations (LLCER) – German

  • area: Cultures, territories and plural societies in the Indian Ocean
  • course: German
  • ECTS credits
  • level of studies
    at the end of training

    Baccalaureate +3
  • Teaching locations
    Saint-Denis - Moufia Campus
  • Type of training : Licence
  • Training regime: Initial formation

Training summary

The aim is to train specialists from German-speaking countries. The training consists of the following areas: oral and written expression and comprehension, translation, grammar, phonetics, literature, history and civilization of German-speaking countries, European construction and Franco-German relations, assistance with professional integration (didactics, tourism, German business and interpreting, etc.), other modern foreign or regional language.

Numerous mobility possibilities to Germany and Austria are offered to students throughout the course.

Training objectives

The training offers a linguistic, civilizational and literary approach to German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). It also allows students to acquire linguistic and methodological skills in terms of analysis, synthesis and argumentation in German.

Throughout the three years of the Bachelor's degree, pre-professionalization Teaching Units (UE) introduce students to the possible opportunities of the LLCER Bachelor's degree - German. The Bachelor's 3 internship (in Reunion or in Germany) allows them to clarify their professional project by offering them an initial professional experience directly linked to the course followed.

Advantages of the training

The advantages of the training are numerous:

  • Work in small groups for personalized support
  • A dynamic team of German-speaking and French-speaking teachers
  • The presence of German-speaking students on campus and in classes
  • Multiple professional opportunities thanks to courses geared towards the careers of the future
  • Cultural activities offered throughout the academic year (“Stammtisch”, cinema evenings, tandems with German-speaking Erasmus students, etc.), organized by a German speaker doing their civic service in the German department.
  • Many mobility programs to Germany and Austria that allow you to study in Germany from the 2nd year, while validating your Bachelor's degree in Reunion. These programs can be combined. It is therefore possible to alternate semesters in Reunion and abroad and/or to spend a year between the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree.

With the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): 5 months at the University of Bochum in Bachelor 2 (September-January) with a scholarship without resource conditions.

With an Erasmus scholarship: 1 or 2 semesters of study in Germany or Austria in one of our 30 partner universities.

Erasmus internships abroad.

With the International Center for Pedagogical Studies (CIEP): 8 months in Germany or Austria as an assistant in a high school.

In addition to these university programs, there are increasing opportunities for volunteering in a German-speaking country, for example within the framework of civic service.


Targeted skills

Main skills:

  • Written and oral expression and communication: easily use the different registers of written and oral expression of the French language; communicate orally and in writing, clearly and unambiguously, in at least one foreign language.
  • Implementation of methods and tools from the disciplinary field: formulate written and oral analyses, syntheses and written translations, from the language studied into the mother tongue or vice versa.
  • Analysis of a question by mobilizing disciplinary concepts: use linguistic tools easily, in one's mother tongue and in the target language(s), allowing communication and understanding of any form of discourse (oral, directly produced or recorded, written, report, correspondence, information, essay, literary production, etc.), in different contexts; mobilize concepts and theoretical frameworks in the field of the study of one or more foreign languages ​​in connection with the corresponding socio-cultural areas; analyze the oral production of the native speaker from phonological and phonetic points of view.
  • Identification of a question within a disciplinary field: mobilizing historical knowledge, cultural and artistic references allowing the construction of perspectives and transfers between the geographical, political and cultural areas relating to the mother tongue and the target language(s); relating the productions of a given linguistic and cultural area at different times or of these productions with those of other cultural areas in a comparative perspective.
  • Data mining for analysis: identify, select and critically analyze various resources in one's field of expertise to document a subject and synthesize this data for use; analyze and synthesize data for use; develop an argument with a critical mind.

Other abilities :

  • Positioning in relation to a professional field
  • Liability action within a professional organization
  • Digital uses

Sheet of the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP)

Summary of lessons by course

The LLCER German degree offers a linguistic, civilizational and literary approach to German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). Over the course of the 6 semesters, fundamental knowledge of the discipline is deepened in teaching units of expression-comprehension, translation, grammar, literature and civilization.

In addition, a TU in disciplinary methodology is planned for each semester of the License, according to a progressive specialization:

  • Bachelor's degree 1 (semester 1): Disciplinary methodology for German studies and introduction to translation
  • License 1 (semester 2): Read a work
  • License 2 (semester 3): Analyze iconographic documents
  • License 2 (semester 4): Analyze a film
  • Licence 3 (semester 5): Writing documents for professional integration
  • License 3 (semester 6): Introduction to research

Throughout the course, students are also introduced to a wide range of possible career opportunities at the end of their Bachelor's degree. From the first year, pre-professionalization courses invite them to reflect on their professional future.

Several aspects of the local, national and international opportunities of the Bachelor's degree are then the subject of different teaching units (introduction to early teaching of German, German for tourism, German for business and interpreting, introduction to German teaching, etc.).

In addition to the specialty courses, all students follow a minor (disciplinary reinforcement or choice of another discipline from the UFR Lettres et Sciences Humaines: literature, English, history, geography, etc.), a modern foreign language (LVE), an opening UE (UEO) and reinforcement of digital skills.


Mandatory 70-hour internship in License 3

Specific devices

From License 1 to License 3, the Personalized Pedagogical Device (DPP) is intended for students preparing for second session exams: any student who requests it will be able to benefit from personalized support in the EU concerned.

Conditions of access to training

Bachelor's degree or equivalent

Continuing Studies

The student who has obtained his License 3 can continue his university course by:

  • Master's Degree in Teaching, Education and Training Professions (MEEF) at the National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education (INSPÉ) of the University of La Réunion: preparation for the Certificate of Aptitude for Teaching in Secondary Education (CAPES) in German or preparation for teaching in schools.
  • Professional License in Tourism and Leisure Professions (MTL) at the Institute of Business Administration (IAE) of the University of La Réunion – University School of Management (after the 2nd year of Bachelor’s degree)
  • Master in Tourism Management and Engineering (MIT) at the IAE of the University of La Réunion (after the 3rd year of Bachelor's degree)
  • Another Masters then Doctorate in Higher Education and Research in France or Germany (after the 3rd year of Bachelor’s degree)

Career opportunities

  • Teaching
  • Tourism: the German market is a priority for Reunion Island Tourism (IRT) and the share of German tourists continues to increase. A command of the German language offers multiple opportunities in this sector, for example: interpreter guide, tourism promotion officer, reception agent, animator.
  • Communication: translator, interpreter, communications assistant, designer-editor, journalist.
  • Culture: cultural mediator, documentalist, librarian.
  • Steward, air hostess.
  • Category A civil service: public administration – possibility of preparing for competitive examinations with the Public Administration Degree (LAP) from the University of La Réunion after the 2nd year of the Bachelor’s degree.



ATTIA Sandie
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