4th season of the MAFAC project (MArmailles à la FAC)
Until June 25 - Moufia Campus
From June 10 to 25, 2024, the University of Reunion begins the 4th season of the MAFAC project (MArmailles à la FAC).
Organized for the 4th consecutive year as part of the Fac des Sciences en Transition! projects, the Faculty of Science and Technology, in partnership with the CROUS of Reunion – Mayotte, is organizing 6 new days where Marmailles will discover workshops around 3 Reunion themes: geology, botany and agriculture.
The beginnings of “Marmailles à la Fac”
Marmailles à la Fac began in 2021 thanks to the initiative of one of our former students, Fabrice Jacquard, who became a school teacher and co-organizer with Anthony Finizola, Lecturer at the GéoSciences Laboratory Réunion de Marmailles à la Fac. The project takes place in the NATURE circuit which presents several educational interests. Since 2023, it has been associated with the educational greening project of the Moufia Campus, to receive students and is fully in line with the Eco-Campus objectives of the University of Reunion and the PROTECTEUR (Ecological and Environmental Transition Program of the University Of the reunion).
Thematic workshops
The thematic workshops benefited for their development in 2023 and 2024 from various supports such as that of the Domaine du Café Grillé in Pierrefonds, the Commune of Sainte-Rose, the National Botanical Conservatory of Mascarin, funding from the CROUS, the CVEC CROUS ( Contribution to Student and Campus Life), of the Faculty of Science and Technology and the association “In the footsteps of Thérésien Cadet”.
This year, the commune of Sainte-Rose is in the spotlight to begin this third season of Marmailles at the Fac: Monday June 10, 2024, the University will receive the 14 students from the CM1-CM2 class of Ms. Aurélie Lefrançois from the Alix Elma school in Bois Blanc. Tuesday June 11, 2024, it will be the turn of the 24 students of the 4th grade class of the Thérésien Cadet college in Piton Sainte-Rose, of Ms. Audrey Damour. The other two weeks will welcome the Badamiers primary school in Sainte-Clotilde, with: Monday June 17, the class of 22 CM1 students of Ms Christine Barret, Tuesday June 18, the CE1 classes of Ms Catherine Boyer & Mrs. Véronique Deveau with 27 students Monday June 24, Mrs. Sandra Lirola's class of 15 CE1 students Tuesday June 25, the CE1 classes of Mrs. Agnès Brault & Mrs. Sylvie Payet with 27 students.