Alice in Wonderland

Take part in our videoconference on one of the most famous children's stories "Alice in Wonderland"

The British author of the children's story Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865), Lewis Carroll, is a complex and singular being: deacon of the Anglican Church, mathematician and logician, a great lover of puzzles, he is amused by creating a world where everything seems logical, but which in fact is a “crazy” world. Throughout what turns out to be a dream, which we know at the end of the story, Alice wonders how to react to the strange logic that reigns in the place, to the point of questioning her own identity. The world of this tale immerses the reader in themes that lead to reflection, sometimes even philosophical, but above all leads them to experience the same discomfort as Alice in many situations. A masterpiece of children's literature, Alice remains one of the richest texts on true and false, illusion and reality, the self and the other.


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