Exhibitions by Christian Holvec

From January 16 to February 25, the Moufia BU offers you 2 photographic exhibitions by Christian Holveck.

The Poetry of Fire: BU Saint-Denis Sciences

The fire of the Earth brings with it light.
The Piton de la Fournaise knows this role well, it has played it tirelessly for millennia. He is the Phoenix who is literally reborn from his own ashes and sets the nights of the Indian Ocean ablaze. Through it, fire becomes light, image, poetry.

Hidden beauties: BU Saint-Denis Droit-Lettres

The lava tubes of Reunion Island.

Piton de la Fournaise is a great creator. With each new eruption, it offers us an exceptional and constantly renewed visual spectacle. But his work is multiple: sometimes, during eruptive phases, hidden from view, strange underground networks are formed within the molten material.

Thus are born the lava tunnels, numerous on the island, which only beg to be explored and visited.

It is a fragile and ephemeral environment, a hidden universe where beauty competes with the abstract.

Christian Holveck is a photographer of the cave-dwelling volcano species. It appeared on the Eurasian plate during the Upper Holocene and quickly migrated to the South American plate then to the Somali plate where it found a habitat more suited to its way of life. He likes very much in his enclosure where he can be observed very easily. His immoderate taste for subduction zones sometimes makes him travel long distances but he always ends up returning to his favorite hot spot, Reunion Island.

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