Thinking about and naming disability in a Creole context

How is disability perceived and experienced in a Creole context? What are the representations and what words are used to talk about it?

How is disability perceived and experienced in a Creole context? What are the representations and what words are used to talk about it? This conference-debate will provide us with the first elements of answers.

The conference-debate “Thinking and naming disability in a Creole context” will report on ongoing research work, led by Ms Audrey NOËL, lecturer at the LCF laboratory.
Madame NOËL will share the first results of her research during this conference-debate.
It will take place at the Moufia Campus, on Thursday October 27, 2022 at 17:00 p.m. at the Genevaux amphitheater (UFR LSH) in person and remotely.

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