
Refund request

To find out the rules relating to the cancellation and reimbursement of registration fees: read our pdf document (scan of the official document, 673ko)

Am I affected by the refund request?

You can request a refund if you are affected by the following situations:

  • I am a higher education scholar and I received my final notification stock exchange                     
  • I would like to cancel my registration because I am registered in another establishment   
  • I would like to be exempt from my registration fees

What documents do I need to provide?

*For “classic” reimbursements:

Please note: refund requests will only be processed from October 2024, XNUMX.

  • the two pages of the FINAL scholarship notification
  • a RIB in your name (savings accounts are not accepted)

*For refunds coupled with cancellation of registration

The request for cancellation and reimbursement will be made on the site.

via the following link

It is imperative to attach the following documents:

  • a RIB in your name (The student must be the account holder. Otherwise, attach a letter authorizing a third party to receive the reimbursement).
  • school certificate proving registration in another higher education establishment

Cancellation request

Please find attached the regulations relating to the cancellation and reimbursement of registration fees: Link to regulations (scan of the original, PDF, 673 kb).

Registered students have the option of canceling their administrative registration for the current year. The terms vary depending on your situation.

Cancellation for PASS students

If you are a PASS student, your cancellation request must be sent before October 31 of the academic year.

The request is made using the form available from the UFR Santé. It must be returned to DEPF NORD or SUD by mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

Cancellation of registration with possibility of refund

Please note: refund requests will only be processed from October 2024, XNUMX.

The cancellation and refund request will be made on the site via the link below.

It is imperative to attach the following documents:

  • a RIB in your name (The student must be the account holder. Otherwise attach a letter authorizing a third party to receive the reimbursement)
  • a school certificate proving registration in another higher education establishment

Cancellation of registration without refund

In order to cancel your registration, you must complete the following contact form and describe your situation in the heading “cancellation request”:

access to the application form (PDF, 276 KB)

Exemption from registration fees

What are the conditions to be exempt?

  • The student must be registered at the University of Réunion, in initial training with a view to issuing a national diploma
  • The student must provide proof of a specific personal and social situation motivating the request for exemption.

What documents do I need to provide?

To be able to benefit from an exemption, a certain number of documents will be useful to study your situation. 

Exemption request form (PDF, 641 KB)

The parts to be provided inevitably :

  •  A copy of the notice of taxation (or non-taxation) of the student or parents if the student is attached to the parents' tax household.
  • Depending on your situation : alimony, rent receipt, APL-ALS supporting documents, CAF supporting documents, notification of allowance for loss of job, regional scholarship, etc.
  • Supporting documents relating to your charges

Pratical information

  •  The decision of the President of the University will be notified to you in writing.
  • The exemption from duties only concerns national duties set by the Ministry.
  • For non-scholarship recipients, the student life contribution remains due.
  • You will need to proceed with your administrative registration according to the registration procedures
  • In the event of a favorable opinion for exemption from registration fees, notification of the President's decision must be produced at the time of administrative registration.
  • A refund is possible if administrative registration has already been carried out.
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