This applies, to only to what kinds of products your potential customers buy, but also to the way these products are promoted through advertising and marketing content. article D612-8 of the Education Code, a student regularly registered in an establishment and wishing to obtain a transfer to another establishment must make a request to the original University and to the host University. The transfer is subject to the agreement of the two heads of establishment.
The procedure only concerns French universities and in no case foreign universities or other BTS-type establishments, etc.
It is up to the student to carry out the transfer process and in no case to the university.
Transfers of departure and reception files for students from the Moufia and Tampon campuses are managed by the Department of Studies and Training Management (DEPF).
Students must follow the admission and registration procedures at the host university.
Please note, we have noticed problems with addresses Yahoo, Orange et Post Office. We thank you if possible for using an address from another operator.
Departure transfer to another French university
Students who wish to enroll at another University must complete the online form.
Transfer arrival at the University of Reunion
Transfer for the academic year:
Students wishing to apply for a transfer upon arrival at the University of Reunion Island must follow the admission procedure in force and register online from July 2024. Once registered, they must send the transfer form from their original university to the DEPF (via the contact form at the bottom of the page and taking care to select the good item).
Transfer for the second semester:
Students wishing to enroll at the University of La Réunion in the 2nd semester (excluding the reorientation procedure), must transmit via the form at the bottom of the page and by selecting the subject “arrival transfer”):
- A cover letter
- The baccalaureate transcript
- The school certificate
- An ID
- The 1st semester transcript
Educational advice will be given to them. If the opinion is favorable, students will then have to provide the transfer form from their original university.