Commitments and entrepreneurship

Dare to create!

Many have the impression that entrepreneurship is a real obstacle course.
These are above all barriers that we put on ourselves.
The fear of making mistakes, of failing...
Entrepreneurship is above all knowing how to find in failures the means to continue.

The greatest business leaders say that failure first allows us to grow. We must integrate this culture of entrepreneurship from the start of our studies. Build, undertake, try, make mistakes, search, do, undo, think, build, put together, start again. Dare to get involved, put your creative potential at the service of a cause or project that is close to your heart. As part of the law relating to equality and citizenship of January 2017, student engagement is rewarded by higher education establishments which must provide “ adjustments in the organization and conduct of studies » of these students who have responsibilities within associations, unions, or who are in civic service or even in military volunteering. Getting involved during your studies means “earning points” at university, but it also means acquiring varied skills, giving time for others and completing your studies. Among the proposals in this category “commitment and entrepreneurship” you will find various UEOs: creating marketing innovations, organizing a sporting event, knowing how to look for sponsors… For those who want to get started, whatever the project.

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