For international students

North campus

In addition to their specific, minor and “open” courses, students registered in the ERASMUS+ program can only choose their courses in one of the five components below

South Campus

In addition to their specific, minor and “open” courses, students registered in the ERASMUS+ program can only choose their courses in one of the four components below.

North Campus

In addition to their specific, minor and “open” courses, students registered in the ERASMUS+ program can only choose their courses in one of the three faculties below.

South Campus

In addition to their specific, minor and “open” courses, students registered in the ERASMUS+ program can only choose their courses in one of the three faculties below.

  • Students can only takea maximum of 3 specific courses below.
  • The opening of certain specific courses for international students is subject to a threshold of registrants. In other words, there must be a sufficient number of registrants for a course to open.


NORTH CAMPUS: LThe times will be communicated later

SOUTH CAMPUS: Schedules will be communicated later

General learning objectives

The general communicative and linguistic objectives correspond to the skills described in the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

This involves improving or deepening oral and written comprehension and expression skills in French, and preparing students for French university requirements.

  • Master communicative language skills in an authentic communication situation
  • Consolidate and deepen grammatical concepts
  • Acquire, consolidate or deepen lexical tools depending on the themes covered, the documents, and the needs of the learners
  • Improve pronunciation and intonation
  • Acquire or improve university working methods

The program is subject to modification depending on the level of language proficiency of the public concerned.

Course materials

Authentic written, audio and video documents, reports concerning current events, film extracts, newspaper articles, extracts from works of literature, extracts from FLE textbooks, methodological sheets (FLE and FOU), self-learning sites online training etc.

The course materials vary from one semester to the next.

Distribution of groups

Students are divided into level groups following a diagnostic assessment at the start of the semester.

Created for differentiation in learning, the level groups correspond to different objectives, with hourly volumes adapted to needs.

In semester 1

  • Group 1 – levels B1.1 and B1.2 – intermediate (4 ECTS)
  • Group 2 – levels B1.2 and B2.1 – advanced intermediate (4 ECTS)
  • Group 3 – levels B2.2 and C1 – advanced (4 ECTS)

In semester 2

  • soon to come


NORTH CAMPUS: LThe times will be communicated later

SOUTH CAMPUS (subject to a sufficient number of participants): Schedules will be communicated later


The objective of the oral Creole language course program is to to introduce foreign students to Reunion Creole.

Even if the production will be worked on, this initiation will be primarily focused on oral comprehension, an essential language skill for a better understanding of Reunion society.

From different themes (e.g. human relationships, meals, identity, humor, etc.), we will address various speech acts which will allow us to understand everyday conversations around:

  • description of personal tastes, mood, feelings
  • greetings
  • the description of physical features, characters, space – the story of events
  • belonging relationships
  • culinary specialties
  • local fauna and flora
  • etc

The work will mainly be based on authentic documents such as songs, sketches, extracts from radio interventions, proverbs, riddles, following the principles of the communicative approach. An educational outing to a heritage site on the island is also planned.

Students will be invited to contribute to the development of language points through field “surveys” of the local population and personal and collective reflections on the functioning of the Creole language. Generally speaking, the students' French language skills will serve as support, from a contrasting perspective.


NORTH campus: Schedules will be communicated later


Training aims :

  • Getting involved in a language project
  • Become an actor in university life
  • Take responsibility and develop your sense of autonomy and initiative
  • Become professional, through the acquisition of transversal skills (group management, animation and communication)

Skills assessed:

The skills implemented within the framework of this EU are as follows:

  •  Know how to identify the audience you are addressing (student audience, non-native speakers) and adapt your speech
  • Know how to speak in public and lead a discussion group
  • Know how to guide and advise (listen and understand requests, respond to them or identify resource people)
  • Attendance, investment, initiative and student involvement
  • Ability to work in a team (with the supervisor, students, administrative team, etc.)


The “Bilingual Tandem” EU ​​is an EU reserved for non-French-speaking internationals demonstrating excellent mastery (C2) of a foreign language. The international student will be paired with a French-speaking student registered in “Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilizations” (LLCER) for a total volume of 20 hours/semester of face-to-face conversation in 'bilingual tandem'. Participants are free to organize their meetings while ensuring a minimum of 2 hours of conversation per week for 10 weeks. Each meeting must absolutely ensure that the two languages ​​of communication are distributed equitably. Students will complete a logbook at the end of each meeting to record the content and progress of the exchange and set objectives for the following exchange. Students interested in this EU will register on the day of the international student welcome day.


  • Develop conversation skills in the target language (oral expression in interaction).
  • Develop student autonomy
  • Develop cultural exchanges
  • Develop mutual aid
  • Encourage perspective on the mother tongue

Skills assessed

  • Learn to learn
    • Identify your own gaps and needs in the target language
    • Set linguistic objectives to achieve in the short and long term (e.g.: objective of each meeting, scheduling of meetings)
    • Implement activities and a methodology likely to enable the student to achieve the set objectives
    • Organize your working time efficiently
  • Self-assess
    • Measure your progress as objectively as possible and have a critical perspective on the path to be taken / traveled
  • Team working
    • Working towards a common goal
    • Respect your partner by showing diligence and seriousness during meetings
    • Respect the work rhythm of the pair
    • Develop a caring approach towards the pair, while encouraging progress in the target language

EU assessment

The evaluation of the unit will be made by the teacher who supervised the teams. It will be based on the continuous monitoring regime and established on:

  • student attendance
  • mid-semester review
  • keeping the logbook

The island of Reunion is exceptional for the diversity of its still preserved natural environments and its landscapes shaped by still active volcanism. Tropical terrestrial and marine habitats are home to a rich biodiversity still under study and comprising a very high proportion of endemic species for flora and fauna.

The aim of the course is to provide international students with a basic scientific understanding of this unique natural environment.

It will address the themes of biodiversity, endemism and their conservation in the context of local natural environments (terrestrial, aquatic and marine) as well as volcanology.

The course will be taught and assessed in English. The interventions of some local specialists may be given in French. Theoretical aspects will focus on basic scientific concepts and processes in the local context, as well as their relationships with local society. The taught program will be completed with an excursion to the island.

The teaching will result in a written evaluation.


Reunion Island is exceptional for the diversity of its preserved natural environment and its landscapes shaped by an active volcano. The tropical terrestrial and marine habitats are home to a rich biodiversity that is still under study and includes a very high proportion of endemic species for both flora and fauna.

The aim of the course is to provide international students with a basic scientific understanding of this unique natural environment.

It will address the themes of biodiversity, endemism and their conservation in the context of local natural environments (terrestrial, aquatic and marine) as well as volcanology.

The course will be taught and assessed in English. The interventions of some local specialists may be in French. Theoretical aspects will focus on basic scientific concepts and processes in the local context, as well as their relationship with local society. The classes will be complemented by an excursion to the island.

The teaching will be concluded with a written evaluation.

15 p.m. CM
Hours: to be defined. Face-to-face courses on the North campus; hybrid format possible with the
South campus.
Reunionese culture is marked by crossbreeding, involving different processes such as
assimilation, acculturation and creolization (Ghasarian, 2002). The main objective of this course is
to explore the different facets of Reunion culture: music, cuisine, religions,
traditions and superstitions, popular culture, traditional medicine… considering the
sociohistorical processes leading to the development of the Reunion cultural fund.
We will also question the concepts of society, civilization and Reunionese identity.
An educational outing to a cultural site will be organized during the semester.
Course teaching languages: French, Creole.

Course teaching languages:

French, Creole


  • Discover the island's cultural heritage
  • Understanding the process of cultural creolization
  • Understand the concepts of creolization, acculturation, hybridization, multiculturality,

CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE : at the end of the course, students will submit a written assignment in French

Biography elements

  • Barbier, 2013. “The Villèle museum in Réunion between history and memory of slavery. A high place in Reunion social history.” In Situ n°20, p.1-31.
  • Eve, P., 2008. Reunion Island, society and religion. Saint-Denis, Océan Editions.
  • Ghasarian, C., 2002. “Reunion: acculturation, creolization and cultural reinventions”.
  • French ethnology t. 37, p. 663-676.
  • Govindama, Y., 1995. “Body and medicine on Reunion Island”. Psychology Bulletin, t. 48
  • No. 419, p. 321-331.
  • Live, YS and Hamon, JF, 2012. Knowledge and cultures. Paris, Saint-Denis, L’Harmattan.
  • Payet, JV, 1989. Stories and traditions of Reunion. Paris, L’Harmattan.
  • Samson, G., 2009. “Questioning and elements for constructing a history of
  • Reunionese music. Historical Review of the Indian Ocean n°05, p. 135-142.
  • Tibère, L., 2005. “Creole foods. Symbolic cuisines and identities in Réunion”. History and
  • companies n°7, Shared kitchens, p. 137-146.

Duration: :

North campus: schedules will be communicated later


16 hours, 3 ECTS

This course aims to show how French-speaking literature and cinema establish differentiated relationships with the major issues of identity and culture, and offer complex and ambivalent discourses on the question of nations and societies.

This course may be given by Mr. Arino or by V. Magdelaine-Andrianjafitrimo and Mr. Arino.

Part of the course given by V. Magdelaine-Andrianjafitrimo (subject to reservation): “Colonization, decolonization and literary Francophonie”

This part of the course will recall some historical points and notions essential to understanding what the literary Francophonie born in conflict zones and situations is. To do this, it will rely on the presentation of a particular poetic and political movement, led by Aimé Césaire, Léopold-Sédar Senghor and Léon-Gontran Damas, the nigritude. The Anthology of new Negro and Malagasy poetry in French by Senghor, (accompanied by its preface by Sartre) is to be read. Among the general works on French-speaking literature, priority should be given to the reference work by Dominique Combe, French-speaking literature: questions, debates, controversies, Paris, PUF, coll. “License”, 2010.

Part of the course given by Mr. Arino: “identities, cultures and societies”

Mr. Arino's part of the course will offer an introduction to Quebec literature (in connection with Quebec cinema) and will aim to study the question of the condition of the subaltern and the marginalized as well as the possibility of them making their voices heard. The corpus studied in this year 2018-2019 will be composed of the play Tom à la ferme (2012) by Michel-Marc Bouchard and its film adaptation by Xavier Dolan in 2013. It can be supplemented by the study of Gannets by Anne Hébert (1982), possibly linked to its film adaptation by Yves Simoneau (Gannets.

  • Arino, Marc, “Love to death in Quebec gay theater since 1980”, in In search of a rupture-literacy: imagination and modernity. Blends offered to Marie-Lyne Piccione (dir. M. Arino and G. Peylet), Pessac, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, “Eidôlon”, n° 88, September 2010, 246 p., p. 55-71.
  • Bishop, Neil-B., Anne Hébert, her work, their exiles, PU Bordeaux, “Critical studies”, 1995.
  • Readings by Anne Hébert. Alienation and protest (collective), Fides, U. of Sherbrooke, 1999.
  • Morel, Pierre (ed.), Quebec route. Introduction to Quebec literature, Cartier, 2007
  • Paterson, Janet M. and Saint-Martin, Lori (eds.), Anne Hébert in review, Presses de l’Université du Québec / Voices and images, 2006.
  • Rivière-Lechat, Louise, “From theatrical drama to anxiety-inducing thriller: the daring adaptation of Tom à la ferme by Michel-Marc Bouchard by Xavier Dolan”, research dissertation in Master 2 research, “Letters”, defended in July 2015 under the direction of Mr. Arino.
  • Rivière-Lechat, Louise, “ Tom at the Farm, from play to film: a daring rewriting of a tragedy into a thriller », in “Rewriting at 21rd century: cartographic studies of the passages between the works” (dir. M. Arino and B. Letellier), T(r)opics n°3, December 2016

Reading the documents that will be sent to students before the course is strongly recommended.

Duration: :

North campus: schedules will be communicated later

General learning objectives

The general communicative and linguistic objectives correspond to the skills described in the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

This involves improving or deepening oral and written comprehension and expression skills in French, and preparing students for French university requirements.

  • Master communicative language skills in an authentic communication situation
  • Consolidate and deepen grammatical concepts
  • Acquire, consolidate or deepen lexical tools depending on the themes covered, the documents, and the needs of the learners
  • Improve pronunciation and intonation
  • Acquire or improve university working methods

The program is subject to modification depending on the level of language proficiency of the public concerned.

Course materials

Authentic written, audio and video documents, reports concerning current events, film extracts, newspaper articles, extracts from works of literature, extracts from FLE textbooks, methodological sheets (FLE and FOU), self-learning sites online training etc.

The course materials vary from one semester to the next.

Distribution of groups

Students are divided into level groups following a diagnostic assessment at the start of the semester.

Created for differentiation in learning, the level groups correspond to different objectives, with hourly volumes adapted to needs.

In semester 2 (smaller number of students)

  • Group 1 – levels B1.1 and B1.2 – intermediate 4 ECTS
  • Group 2 – levels B2.1, B2.2 and C1 – advanced intermediate 4 ECTS

Duration: :

North campus: schedules will be communicated later

South campus (subject to a sufficient number of registrations): times will be communicated later


The objective of the oral Creole language course program is to to introduce foreign students to Reunion Creole.

Even if the production will be worked on, this initiation will be primarily focused on oral comprehension, an essential language skill for a better understanding of Reunion society. From different themes (e.g. human relationships, meals, identity, humor, etc.), we will address various speech acts which will allow us to understand everyday conversations around:

  • description of personal tastes, mood, feelings
  • greetings
  • the description of physical features, characters, space – the story of events
  • belonging relationships
  • culinary specialties
  • local fauna and flora
  • etc

The work will mainly be based on authentic documents such as songs, sketches, extracts from radio interventions, proverbs, riddles, following the principles of the communicative approach. An educational outing to a heritage site on the island is also planned.

Students will be invited to contribute to the development of language points through field “surveys” of the local population and personal and collective reflections on the functioning of the Creole language. Generally speaking, the students' French language skills will serve as support, from a contrasting perspective.

Duration: :

North campus: schedules will be communicated later

South campus: schedules will be communicated later


This course aims to show how French-speaking literature and cinema establish differentiated relationships with the major issues of identity and culture, and offer complex and ambivalent discourses on the question of nations and societies.

This course may be given by Mr. Arino or by V. Magdelaine-Andrianjafitrimo and Mr. Arino.

Part of the course given by V. Magdelaine-Andrianjafitrimo (subject to reservation): “Colonization, decolonization and literary Francophonie”

This part of the course will recall some historical points and notions essential to understanding what the literary Francophonie born in conflict zones and situations is. To do this, it will rely on the presentation of a particular poetic and political movement, led by Aimé Césaire, Léopold-Sédar Senghor and Léon-Gontran Damas, the nigritude. The Anthology of new Negro and Malagasy poetry in French by Senghor, (accompanied by its preface by Sartre) is to be read. Among the general works on French-speaking literature, priority should be given to the reference work by Dominique Combe, French-speaking literature: questions, debates, controversies, Paris, PUF, coll. “License”, 2010.

Part of the course given by Mr. Arino: “identities, cultures and societies”

Mr. Arino's part of the course will offer an introduction to Quebec literature (in connection with Quebec cinema) and will aim to study the question of the condition of the subaltern and the marginalized as well as the possibility of them making their voices heard. The corpus studied in this year 2018-2019 will be composed of the play Tom à la ferme (2012) by Michel-Marc Bouchard and its film adaptation by Xavier Dolan in 2013. It can be supplemented by the study of Gannets by Anne Hébert (1982), possibly linked to its film adaptation by Yves Simoneau (Gannets.


  • Arino, Marc, “Love to death in Quebec gay theater since 1980”, in In search of a rupture-literacy: imagination and modernity. Blends offered to Marie-Lyne Piccione (dir. M. Arino and G. Peylet), Pessac, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, “Eidôlon”, n° 88, September 2010, 246 p., p. 55-71.
  • Bishop, Neil-B., Anne Hébert, her work, their exiles, PU Bordeaux, “Critical studies”, 1995.
  • Readings by Anne Hébert. Alienation and protest (collective), Fides, U. of Sherbrooke, 1999.
  • Morel, Pierre (ed.), Quebec route. Introduction to Quebec literature, Cartier, 2007
  • Paterson, Janet M. and Saint-Martin, Lori (eds.), Anne Hébert in review, Presses de l’Université du Québec / Voices and images, 2006.
  • Rivière-Lechat, Louise, “From theatrical drama to anxiety-inducing thriller: the daring adaptation of Tom à la ferme by Michel-Marc Bouchard by Xavier Dolan”, research dissertation in Master 2 research, “Letters”, defended in July 2015 under the direction of Mr. Arino.
  • Rivière-Lechat, Louise, “ Tom on the Farm, from play to film: a daring rewriting of a tragedy into a thriller », in “Rewriting at 21rd century: cartographic studies of the passages between the works” (dir. M. Arino and B. Letellier), T(r)opics No. 3, December 2016.

Reading the documents that will be sent to students before the course is strongly recommended.

Duration: :

North campus: schedules will be communicated later

South campus: schedules will be communicated later


The “Bilingual Tandem” EU ​​is an EU reserved for non-French-speaking internationals demonstrating excellent mastery (C2) of a foreign language. The international student will be paired with a French-speaking student registered in “Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilizations” (LLCER) for a total volume of 20 hours/semester of face-to-face conversation in 'bilingual tandem'. Participants are free to organize their meetings while ensuring a minimum of 2 hours of conversation per week for 10 weeks. Each meeting must absolutely ensure that the two languages ​​of communication are distributed equitably. Students will complete a logbook at the end of each meeting to record the content and progress of the exchange and set objectives for the following exchange. Students interested in this EU will register on the day of the international student welcome day.

The goal

  • Develop conversation skills in the target language (oral expression in interaction).
  • Develop student autonomy
  • Develop cultural exchanges
  • Develop mutual aid
  • Encourage perspective on the mother tongue

Skills assessed

  • Learn to learn
    • Identify your own gaps and needs in the target language
    • Set linguistic objectives to achieve in the short and long term (e.g.: objective of each meeting, scheduling of meetings)
    • Implement activities and a methodology likely to enable the student to achieve the set objectives
    • Organize your working time efficiently
  • Self-assess
    • Measure your progress as objectively as possible and have a critical perspective on the path to be taken / traveled
  • Team working
    • Working towards a common goal
    • Respect your partner by showing diligence and seriousness during meetings
    • Respect the work rhythm of the pair
    • Develop a caring approach towards the pair, while encouraging progress in the target language

EU assessment

The evaluation of the unit will be made by the teacher who supervised the teams. It will be based on the continuous monitoring regime and established on:

  • student attendance
  • mid-semester review
  • keeping the logbook

The island of Reunion is exceptional for the diversity of its still preserved natural environments and its landscapes shaped by still active volcanism. Tropical terrestrial and marine habitats are home to a rich biodiversity still under study and comprising a very high proportion of endemic species for flora and fauna.

The aim of the course is to provide international students with a basic scientific understanding of this unique natural environment.

It will address the themes of biodiversity, endemism and their conservation in the context of local natural environments (terrestrial, aquatic and marine) as well as volcanology.

The course will be taught and assessed in English. The interventions of some local specialists may be given in French. Theoretical aspects will focus on basic scientific concepts and processes in the local context, as well as their relationships with local society. The taught program will be completed with an excursion to the island.

The teaching will result in a written evaluation.


Reunion Island is exceptional for the diversity of its preserved natural environment and its landscapes shaped by an active volcano. The tropical terrestrial and marine habitats are home to a rich biodiversity that is still under study and includes a very high proportion of endemic species for both flora and fauna.

The aim of the course is to provide international students with a basic scientific understanding of this unique natural environment.

It will address the themes of biodiversity, endemism and their conservation in the context of local natural environments (terrestrial, aquatic and marine) as well as volcanology.

The course will be taught and assessed in English. The interventions of some local specialists may be in French. Theoretical aspects will focus on basic scientific concepts and processes in the local context, as well as their relationship with local society. The classes will be complemented by an excursion to the island.

The teaching will be concluded with a written evaluation.

Hours: to be defined. Face-to-face courses on the North campus; hybrid format possible with the South campus.


Reunionese culture is marked by crossbreeding, involving different processes such as assimilation, acculturation and creolization (Ghasarian, 2002). The main objective of this course is to explore the different facets of Reunion culture: music, cuisine, religions, traditions and superstitions, popular culture, traditional medicine, etc. by considering the sociohistorical processes that led to the development of the Reunion cultural fund. .

We will also question the concepts of society, civilization and Reunionese identity.

An educational outing to a cultural site will be organized during the semester.

Course teaching languages: French, Creole.


  • Discover the island's cultural heritage
  • Understanding the process of cultural creolization
  • Understand the concepts of creolization, acculturation, hybridization, multiculturality, interculturality


At the end of the course, students will submit a written assignment in French.

Bibliography elements

Barbier, 2013. “The Villèle museum in Réunion between history and memory of slavery. A high place in Reunion social history.” in Situ n°20, p.1-31.

Eve, P., 2008. Reunion Island, society and religion. Saint-Denis, Océan Editions.

Ghasarian, C., 2002. “Reunion: acculturation, creolization and cultural reinventions”. French ethnology t. 37, p. 663-676.

Govindama, Y., 1995. “Body and medicine on Reunion Island”. Psychology Bulletin, t. 48 n°419, p. 321-331.

Live, YS and Hamon, JF, 2012. Knowledge and cultures. Paris, Saint-Denis, L’Harmattan.

Payet, JV, 1989. Stories and traditions of Reunion. Paris, L’Harmattan.

Samson, G., 2009. “Questioning and elements for the construction of a history of Reunion music”. Historical review of the Indian Ocean No. 05, p. 135-142.

Tibère, L., 2005. “Creole foods. Symbolic cuisines and identities in Réunion”. History and societies n°7, Shared kitchens, p. 137-146.

  • The “Open Course” of international students in an exchange program correspond to the “Open EU” (UEO) students outside of an exchange program. However, international students in exchange programs (Erasmus, ISEP, etc.) must not Administrative staff choose their “Open Courses” on the UEO platform, but directly on the educational registration form of the International Relations Department.
  • Open Classes often take place on Thursday afternoons. To avoid scheduling conflicts, it is recommended that students do not choose too many.
  • Students in an international exchange program are not allowed to choose more than three UEO

Consult our UEO catalog now


Course taught in semester 1 only.

The island of Reunion is exceptional for the diversity of its still preserved natural environments and its landscapes shaped by still active volcanism. Tropical terrestrial and marine habitats are home to a rich biodiversity still under study and comprising a very high proportion of endemic species for flora and fauna.

The aim of the course is to provide international students with a basic scientific understanding of this unique natural environment and its historical relationships with Réunion society.

This short introduction will address the themes of biodiversity, endemism and their conservation in the context of local natural environments (terrestrial, aquatic and marine).

The medium of teaching and assessment will be English.. Interventions by local specialists may be given in French. Theoretical aspects will focus on basic scientific concepts and processes in the local context, as well as their relationships with local society. The taught program will be completed with an excursion to the island.

Students will carry out a mini-project, on a topic agreed with the course coordinators. The evaluation of the mini-project will take the form of an oral presentation and a brief report (see evaluation).


A minimum level of B1+/B2 in English.

The course does not assume any scientific knowledge beyond basic notions of environment and biology/ecology.


  • Develop an appreciation and understanding of the unique natural environment of Reunion Island and its relationship to Reunion society.
  • Build the foundations of scientific knowledge of local environments (terrestrial, aquatic and marine) and their conservation.
  • Communicate orally and in writing in English on a general and locally relevant scientific topic.
  • Work independently and as part of a team.


Written assessment


Dominique STRASBERG and others.

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Health
P. Tortosa101 2022-2023

M1 Biology of Health / one Health

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Health
Invited speakers51 and 22022-2023

M1 Biology of Health / seminars by invited speakers on their research

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Health
P Gasque101 2022-2023

M1 Biology of Health / cellular and molecular communications

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in

Faculty of Health
C Lefebvre d Hellencourt101 2022-2023

M1 Biology of Health / neuroinflammation

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)

Undergraduate (3rd year) or Graduate course for students of chemistry, biology and physics.

Syllabus: Reminders and deepening of concepts in spectroscopy for chemists – 1D and 2D NMR (proton, carbon, other nuclei, multi-pulse NMR) – IR – Raman.

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Health
P Gasque202022-2023

M2 Biology of Health / cancer and therapies

Currently updating

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
IAE – University School
of Management
(Moufia Campus)
Thierry DE LA GRANGE6 15 to22022-2023

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
IAE – University School
of Management
(Moufia Campus)
Chantal FUHRER6 15 to12022-2023

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
IAE – University School
of Management
(Moufia Campus)
5 to 10% of the degree
taught in English
1 or 22022-2023

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
IAE – University School
of Management
(Moufia Campus)
5 to 10% of the degree
taught in English
1 or 22022-2023

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
IAE – University School
of Management
(Moufia Campus)
5 to 10% of the degree
taught in English
1 or 22022-2023

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
Khalid ADDI241 or 22022-2023

Graduate course.

Represent, analyze and interpret the complexity of data through simple structures.
Implementation of both computer and mathematical tools for data processing. Linear and non-linear regression, prediction, design of experiments: DOE.

Assessment: Continuous (2 ECTS)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
Khalid ADDI301 or 22022-2023

Graduate course

The aim is to prepare students to formulate and solve a wide range of problems arising in various fields of continuum mechanics, both mechanics of solids and fluids, with a focus on the interdisciplinary, in strong connection with engineering applications.

Assessment: Continuous (3 ECTS)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
Khalid ADDI301 or 22022-2023

Graduate course

The aim is to provide a review of supply chain management from a manufacturing, planning, and control perspective. It provides a basis for further study leading to APICS CPIM certification.

Assessment: Final (2 ECTS)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
Khalid ADDI241 or 22022-2023

Graduate course

The aim is to explore the challenges, tools and principles involved in managing innovation and technology, as well as to evaluate and select appropriate strategies.

Assessment: Continuous (1.5 ECTS)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)

Graduate course

The aim for the students is to be able to size and analyze complex energy systems. Several kinds of polycombination architectures are studied, including power, refrigeration and heating generation. The unstable behavior of storage systems is also studied in this course.

Continuous assessment and practical work. (ECTS: 3)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)

Graduate course

The aim is to be able to size and to optimize a complete HVAC system taking into account thermal load evaluation, air handling units, sizing and duct sizing.

Assessment: Report and oral presentation (ECTS: 2)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)

Graduate course

The aim is to be able to size solar thermal as well as photovoltaic systems taking into account the technical, environmental and regulatory aspects.

Assessment: Continuous Assessment and practical work. (ECTS: 3)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)

Graduate course

The aim is to master psychrometrics, unitary operation occurring in air handling units (filtration, heating and cooling).

Assessment: Continuous Assessment and practical work (ECTS: 2.5)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)

Graduate course

The aim is to be able to size fluid networks (water and air), taking into account pressure losses and pump and fan technology.

Assessment: Continuous Assessment and practical work. (ECTS: 0.5)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)

Graduate course

The aim is to master heating and cooling thermodynamic cycles such as vapor compression and absorption, boilers, furnaces and heat exchangers.

Assessment: Continuous Assessment and practical work. (ECTS: 2.5)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)

Undergraduate course

The aim is to be able to apply thermodynamic laws principally on energetic systems and to analyze steady-state and dynamic behavior of case studies.

Assessment: Continuous Assessment and practical work. (ECTS: 2.5)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)

Graduate course

The aim is to become proficient in the production and conversion of renewables such as wind turbines, Sea Water Air Conditioning (SWAC), Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), Marine Energy.

Assessment: Continuous Assessment and practical work. (ECTS: 2.5)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
French KEEP822022-2023

Undergraduate course

The aim of this paper is to give to the students the some information about the impact of environmental management applied to the IT sector, agri-food industry and the building sector in terms of CO2 emissions.

Assessment: Practical work

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
French KEEP2022022-2023

Undergraduate course

The aim of this lecture for students is to be able to use the existing certification tools and building codes for the assessment of the non-residential and residential buildings in Réunion.

Students will check a building project for compliance with the codes.

Assessment: Project and Practical Work

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
French KEEP3212022-2023

Graduate course

The aim is to be able to design and to conduct an energy and environmental audit of Net Zero Energy Buildings, and conduct Post Occupancy Evaluation in tropical climates in the residential and non-residential sector.

Assessment: Project and practical work. (ECTS: 2.5)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
Mathieu DAVID1222022-2023

Graduate course

The basics of solar energy resources: the sun spectrum and radiation, the solar path, the decomposition of solar irradiance that reaches the ground, the solar energy incident on a tilted surface.

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
Mathieu DAVID5212022-2023

Graduate course

Engineering calculations used in design offices to size acoustics and lighting in buildings: the basics, international standards and dedicated software. Specific emphasis on issues of tropical
climate. Exam format: written/final exam and/or practical exam in a laboratory context. (16 p.m.)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
Mathieu DAVID2012022-2023

Undergraduate course

Simulation of the building envelope and energy transfers: balance of energy transfers applied to building envelope, getting started with the software suite (EnergyPlus, SketchUp and Euclid plugin), thermal comfort assessment, sizing of HVAC systems, writing of a professional simulation report.

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
Mathieu DAVID2022022-2023

Graduate course

Energy simulation of buildings under tropical climate: energy codes and design targets, modeling of the ventilations modes (hygienic, cross ventilation and ventilation of thermal comfort), comfort assessment, energy budget.

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
Frédéric WINTZERITH42April 2023

Undergraduate and Graduate course

This course (tutorials & practical activities) provides applications in the field of reinforced structural elements such as beams, slabs, columns. This course develops methods for designing structures
using the European code “Eurocodes”, in particular Eurocode 2. The applications are based on building projects with drawing layers and calculation notes.

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
Frédéric WINTZERITH81Semester 1

Undergraduate course

2nd-year students (40 students). GOAL GCCD.

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Terre Sainte Campus)
Frédéric WINTZERITH81Semester 1

Undergraduate course

2nd-year students (40 students). GOAL GCCD.

Empty paragraph Humanities

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Letter faculty
and Human Sciences
(Moufia Campus)
Bénédicte LETELLIER2012022-2023

This course focuses on the relationships between science and poetry. We will learn to compare their language, their questions, their methods, their tools, their fictions and their representation of the world. This course will be conducted as a transdisciplinary exploration, mainly in class discussions, but also in formal written analysis of some fundamental texts.

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Letter faculty
and Human Sciences
(Moufia Campus)
Teaching staff of the department of Anglophone studiesWhole degree1 and 22022-2023

Undergraduate and Graduate

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Letter faculty
and Human Sciences
(Moufia Campus)
Teaching staff of the department of Anglophone studies and Confucius center30% of the degree taught in English1 and 22022-2023


SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Bellepierre site)
Michael VAUTHIER322022-2023

The purpose of this course:

  • A definition of cardiac coherence
  • An emotional tool for stress management
  • A physiological basis for utilization of heart coherence.
  • At the end of the course, students will be able to have a personal practice of heart coherence in many real-life situations (speaking in public, concentrating before a review, deciding more effectively…)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
(Bellepierre site)
Michael VAUTHIER922022-2023

The purpose of this course: Acquiring the basics of developmental psychology to better understand oneself and others.

  • Early mother-child-environment interactions and their impact
  • Basic child needs and adolescent development
  • The contributions of neuroscience to psychology
  • Resilience and psychic development

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)

Graduate course (1st year) for students of chemistry and biology.

Syllabus: Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy – Main classes of natural compounds derived from plants – Properties / examples from the terrestrial plant biodiversity in a tropical environment.

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)

Graduate course (1st year) for students of chemistry and biology.

Syllabus: Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy

Main classes of natural compounds derived from plants.

Properties / examples from the terrestrial plant biodiversity in a tropical environment.

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)

Undergraduate course (2nd year) for students of chemistry and biology.

Syllabus: Electronic properties and reactivity of organic molecules – Reaction parameters – Electronic effects and reactivity – Mechanistic aspects – Conditions – Reactive entities – Stereochemistry

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)

Undergraduate course (2nd year) for students of chemistry, biology and physics.

Syllabus: Types and characteristics of reactions (additions - substitutions – eliminations – rearrangements).

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)

Undergraduate course (3rd year) for students of chemistry, biology and physics.

Syllabus: Pericyclic reactions – Free-radical reactions

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)

Undergraduate (2nd year) or graduate course for students of chemistry, biology and physics.

Syllabus: Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy – Tools for molecular structure elucidation: UV-visible – IR – Raman – NMR (proton, carbon), mass spectrometry as a complementary tool.

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)
Sébastien JACQUEMET422022-2023

Graduate course

The objective of this lecture is to provide a short overview of a group of animals of the marine megafauna called Chondrichthyes and better known as sharks and their relatives. This old group of fish has developed unique adaptations among animals that make them particularly efficient in their environment, but also very fragile to abrupt changes, such as unregulated human activities. They usually have a high position in trophic food webs and as such they have important functions in the ecosystems. Finally some species can interact with human activities in coastal areas and sometimes lead to shark control programs. The role of sharks in the functioning of ecosystems and some studies related to the shark risk management in Reunion are presented.

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)
Lucie PENIN,

Graduate course

Objectives of the course: understand the functioning of coral reefs and associated conservation challenges

  • Introduction to reef ecology, and ecology of corals
  • How to kill a coral reef in 10 lessons
  • Reef fishes and herbivores
  • Echinoderms in coral reefs

Practical work:

  • Set up a protocol to investigate fish and coral assemblages
  • Apply a protocol in the field (La Saline lagoon – 3 days)
  • Data analysis
  • Communicate results (oral + written assignment)

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)
Hassan Bencherif12022-2023

Graduate course

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)
Hassan Bencherif12022-2023

Graduate course

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)
Hassan Bencherif12022-2023

Graduate course

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies
(Moufia Campus)
Hassan Bencherif12022-2023

Graduate course

SchoolLecturerHoursVacationCourse available in
Faculty of Sciences
of Man and the Environment
(Tampon campus)
201 or 22022-2023

Undergraduate and graduate course

This course in statistics is based on the use of the R software and takes place in a computer laboratory. Its like:

  • Understanding the fundamentals of statistics
  • Learning how to work with different types of data
  • Learning how to plot different types of data
  • Calculating measures of central tendency, asymmetry, and
  • Calculating correlation and covariance
  • Distinguishing and working with different types of distributions
  • Estimating confidence intervals
  • Performing hypothesis testing
  • PCA

The University of Reunion Island offers international students outside of exchange mobility a wide range of Bachelor's and Master's courses which fall into the four main areas: 

  • law, economics and management
  • human sciences and letters
  • science and technology
  • the health

Classes are held in French.

It is possible to access the course syllabi of each faculty by clicking on the “Training” tab of each of the links below.

The University of Reunion has:

5 Faculties (UFR):

3 Institutes:

But also:

Non-French-speaking students enrolled in a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate can attend the FLE courses given by the Maison Des Langues free of charge. However, they must first contact the Maison Des Langues so that their level in French is assessed and to check course slots. Please note, these FLE courses do not carry credits for international students excluding exchange mobility.

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