Apprentice training center (CFA-UR)

Advertising image of the Apprentice Training Center (CFA-UR)


The CFA-UR Apprentice Training Center of the University of Reunion offers 30 apprenticeship training courses.

  • 6 University Bachelors of Technology (BAC+3)
  • 14 Professional licenses (BAC+3)
  • 10 Masters (BAC+5)

These training courses are offered through the components and a service of the University:

The CFA-UR offers a wide range of training from Bac+2 to Bac+5, for which we are recognized.

Don't hesitate any longer, join us!

The CFA-UR carries out the administrative and legal management of apprenticeship contracts. We delegate the provision of teaching to the components and services of the University of Réunion.

It plays the role of interface between institutions, OPCOS, apprentices, components, the University service and companies.

Contacts of the Apprentice Training Center (CFA-UR)

Apprentice Training Center of the University of Reunion (CFA-UR)

2 Rue Joseph Wetzell

University Technology Park


Such. : 0262 52 89 24

E-mail : cfaur[at]

Visit our training offer

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