Validation of learning

Everything you need to know about VAPP:

What is VAPP (Validation of Professional and Personal Acquired Knowledge)

The Validation of Professional and Personal Acquired Knowledge (VAPP) is the possibility of integrating higher education with a view to obtaining a national diploma without having the required title. This is therefore the recognition of his professional career (professional experience) in line with the desired diploma which will be highlighted.
For example : You would like to join a master 1 and you do not have the required diploma (no license 3nd year or not of Bac+3 level), however you have professional experience that coincides with the desired training. You will therefore have this experience recognized by creating a VAPP file.

The VAPP makes it possible to recognize: 

  • Any training followed by the candidate in a public or private training establishment or structure, whatever the terms, duration and method of sanction;
  • Professional experience acquired during a salaried or self-employed activity, or an internship,
  • Knowledge and skills acquired outside of any training system…

It is aimed at any adult who wishes to resume a course of study whatever their status (employee, job seeker, liberal profession, self-employed, volunteer, etc.).

The candidate must be at least 20 years old.

He must avoir interrupted their initial training for at least two years, the period is three years in the event of failure in the same training. (Decree n ° 2013-756 of August 19, 2013)

The candidate must prove his or her eligibility by presenting any document proving professional experience of at least 3 years, related to the targeted training.

It is aimed at any adult who wishes to resume a course of study whatever their status (employee, job seeker, liberal profession, self-employed, volunteer, etc.).

The candidate must be at least 20 years old.

He must avoir interrupted their initial training for at least two years, the period is three years in the event of failure in the same training. (Decree n ° 2013-756 of August 19, 2013)

The candidate must prove his or her eligibility by presenting any document proving professional experience of at least 3 years, related to the targeted training.

You must create a file presenting the contents of your experiences and training, accompanied by supporting documents on the platform “Admission». 

The files are studied by an educational commission which issues an opinion based on the elements provided. Authorization for registration is granted by the President of the University of La Réunion in light of the opinion of this commission. 


Before compiling your VAPP file, we invite you to consult our training catalog on our website.

You must create a file presenting the contents of your experiences and training, accompanied

  1. A copy of a valid identity document.
  2. Un resume limited to two pages;
  3. A cover letter which sets out in particular their personal and professional project in relation to the skills targeted by the diploma;
  4. Copies of diplomas, certificates and attestations of all previous training experiences or personal or professional activities or learning and for students currently training in the third year of the license, a copy of the school certificate;
    • Documents in a foreign language are admitted with their certified translation by a sworn translator. Foreign diplomas must be provided after having been certified by the international center for educational studies (CIEP – ENIC-NARIC Center) and in the absence of the certificate, the application file must include the receipt of the request addressed to the CIEP.
  5. A copy of the transcripts associated with the training courses followed;
  6. The documents associated with the additional criteria, if applicable;
  7. Certified documents providing proof of a particular situation or additional documents deemed useful for the study of your application (interruption of studies or professional activities, letter of recommendation, promise of employment, etc.), if applicable.

Admission calendar 2025-2026


For more information, contact us.

Validation of acquired experience

Any person with proof of salaried, self-employed, voluntary or voluntary professional activity, directly related to the content of the diploma or title in question, may request validation of their acquired experience (VAE) to obtain this diploma. 

This approach does not involve monitoring lessons.

la Lifelong Training Department their website

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