
Like every year, the Directorate of Orientation and Training for Professional Integration (DOFIP) organizes the“BOUNCE” operation which starts now for theacademic year 2022-2023.

It is aimed at students of License 1 et License 2 wanting to change training courses or needing support to reorient themselves and ultimately be able to “bounce back”.

Concretely, this will involvewelcome to DOFIP on the Moufia and Tampon campuses, our students in order to identify their desire for reorientation.

Our advisors will be there to support them in finding a training project, internally or externally at the University of Reunion, which meets their expectations and is consistent with their personal journey.

Operation « "REBOUND" to change direction

Operation bounce to change orientation
description of the image

Logo of the 40th anniversary of the University of La Réunion and Logo of the University of La Réunion at the top of the poster.

Thoughts from a student:

  • I shouldn't have chosen this course
  • I'm not sure if I'll continue
  • I made the wrong choice
  • I would like to become a professional quickly

Title: Bounce Back

Teaser: Freshmen and sophomores, don't give up!

Text: You want to change your orientation, places are still available on the University courses and in BTS. Come and meet us at the Direction of Orientation and Training for Professional Integration

Contact details:

  • DOFIP, Moufia Campus, next to the university restaurant – 0262 93 81 20,
  • DOFIP Tampon Campus, Reception hall of building S – 0262 57 95 63.
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