The Eco-campus mission

Over the past four decades, the University of La Réunion has experienced significant expansion, from 10 to 000 m100, long before environmental and energy issues became a priority. Today, the energy consumption of our campuses has a considerable impact on our budget and our ecological footprint.
As the main player in research and higher education in Reunion and the Indian Ocean, the University of Reunion has the responsibility to respond to the island's major challenges. The current context is pushing us towards a new model of sobriety and frugality, a model that we will resolutely adopt and which will be in harmony with our commitment to the pursuit of excellence.

The objective of the eco-campus mission, created in 2022, is not simply to do better with less,
but to do better in a different way.

Objectives of the eco-campus mission

The University has developed its Ecological and Environmental Transition Program (PROTECTOR) based on eight fundamental commitments:

  • Put the environmental transition at the highest level of governance
  • Produce abundantly and consume frugally (energy sobriety)
  • Create green spaces conducive to biodiversity and the efficiency of our campuses
  • Sort to give our waste a second lifePropose alternative travel solutions to staff and students
  • Committed greening of our public procurement
  • Train, raise awareness and promote the eco-commitment of the university community
  • Putting university research at the service of major issues

Nine operational themes

These eight commitments are broken down into nine operational themes to enable the establishment to become the Eco-university of excellence and proximity of Indianoceania:

  • Theme 1: Greening campuses
  • Theme 2: Waste management
  • Theme 3: Sustainable management of resources serving users
  • Theme 4: Eco-mobility
  • Theme 5: Decarbonization of the University
  • Theme 6: Energy efficiency of university built spaces
  • Theme 7: Sustainable university campus life
  • Theme 8: Development of eco-environmental training
  • Theme 9: Regional, national and international cooperation around Sustainable Development

Actions and projects

The list of our actions can be consulted on this link

Find out more about or participate in the Eco-campus mission

The DDRS referents are key players in the Eco-campus mission of the University of La Réunion, they are responsible for implementing the actions specified in the PROTECTOR, according to their area of ​​expertise, while actively supporting the missions of other DDRS referents. They participate in and promote the initiatives of the Eco-campus mission.

For those who would like more information or get involved, please do not hesitate to contact them.
List of eco-campus actors


Franck Loureiro (Director of the Eco-campus and Infrastructure Pole)
Karelle D'Ambelle De Peindray, IGE dedicated to supporting the development of the

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