Discover the university

Following the attack in Arras on Friday October 13, the Vigipirate plan has been raised to the “Attack Emergency” level across the entire country.

The security instructions of the Vigipirate plan can be found on our website and must be respected on all sites and campuses of the University of La Réunion.

I consult the safety instructions

The University of Reunion was created in 1982. It has continued to grow over the years, both in terms of student population, geographical sites occupied as well as training offered, partnerships forged with local, national and international. This need to establish itself in new spaces and create links echoes a strong ambition: to be the reference university in Indianoceania.

A multidisciplinary training establishment, a true pillar of the local training and research ecosystem, the University of Reunion welcomes more than 19 students per year, or three quarters of higher education students in Reunion.

The University of Reunion occupies a unique place: it is the only Reunion university in Indianoceania. This positioning at the heart of the Africa-Asia axis gives it a major role as ambassador of French Higher Education, Research and Innovation in the area.

The University in figures

Coming soon

Coming soon

Our major projects

Real estate projects, eco-campuses, research projects…Discover the major projects of the University of Reunion Island

European projects

Click on the photo to access the “European Projects” page

Digital University (UNR)

Click on the photo to access the “Digital University (UNR)” page

>>> Learn more

Our 40th anniversary!

In 2022, the University of Reunion celebrated its 40th anniversary.

40 years of excellence and proximity that we have chosen to celebrate throughout the year. Once a month, an event approached from a specific angle: success, culture, sport, research, international, etc. was offered to the community.

To (re)see on our page

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