Bachelor’s degree in Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilizations (LLCER) – English

Domain: Cultures, territories and plural societies in the Indian Ocean

Course: English

ECTS credits


level of studies
at the end of training

Baccalaureate +3

Teaching locations

Saint-Denis – Moufia Campus

Type of training : Licence

Training regime: Initial formation

Training summary

The LLCER English course is a training course focused on mastery of the English language (courses in literary translation, grammar, linguistics, phonetics, oral language) and on an in-depth knowledge of literature as well as cultural history. and social issues of various societies in the English-speaking world (United Kingdom, Ireland, United States, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Caribbean, India, Australia).
This comprehensive Anglicist training also offers multidisciplinary lessons common to other LLCER Degrees as well as the study of a second Modern Foreign Language (LVE).

Training aims

The general objective is to train specialists in the field of language, civilization and literature of the English-speaking world. At the end of the course, students will have acquired an in-depth general English culture and transversal skills which will allow them to move towards various professions.

Advantages of the training

A varied training program that gives you the opportunity:
to acquire and deepen knowledge in many areas linked to the English language and the English-speaking world
to develop their analytical and writing skills
to equip yourself with the tools to succeed in an increasingly globalized society

This training promotes and enhances study mobility (one or two semesters) or international internship.

Targeted skills

Civilization and literature
Acquire a satisfactory general level of knowledge of English-speaking societies: geography, population, institutions, political and social problems, cultural production.
Ability to read and comment on a documentary or literary text in English
English writing skills.
Ability to analyze and synthesize written documents, mastery of text commentary in civilization or literature.
Know how to structure a coherent argument and write in English.

Mastery of oral and written language (level B2/C1)
Refine their ability to understand the source language and exercise their expression in the target language

Great importance will be given to the translation methodology. The skills of “comprehension of the text in the source language” and “restitution in the target language” will be differentiated in order to improve each more effectively
Be able to translate literary and journalistic texts
Be able to use several translation techniques to render a text in the target language
Know how to identify, analyze and manipulate the grammatical forms studied in class

Sheet of the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP)

Summary of lessons by course

Phonetics and oral language
Linguistics, grammar and written language
Translation (FR>EN theme and EN>FR version)
English-speaking literature (United Kingdom, United States, Ireland, South Africa, Sri Lanka…)
Civilization of English-speaking countries
Second LVE (Spanish, German, Creole, Mandarin)
Various Minor and Transversal Units


70-hour internship in License 3

Specific devices

Tutors for License 1

Conditions of access to training

Bachelor's degree or equivalent

Continuing Studies

Numerous courses, both academic and professional, will be open to you after a Bachelor's degree in English, including the following:
Master LLCER English-speaking world course
Master's degree in teaching, education and training (MEEF)
Master's degree in translation and interpretation
Journalism Master
Master Tourism

Career opportunities

In an increasingly globalized world, mastery of the English language as well as knowledge and understanding of English-speaking cultures are appreciated assets in many professions, such as:
Translator and/or interpreter
Tourism professions
International trade

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