Physical License

Domain: Sciences, technologies and health in tropical environments

Course: Not applicable

ECTS credits


level of studies
at the end of training

Baccalaureate + 3

Teaching locations

Saint-Denis – Moufia Campus

Type of training : Licence

Training regime: Initial formation

Training summary

From intense tropical cyclones to the submicron components of matter and our daily environment, physics takes an essential look at our world. Studying physics means training your mind in a scientific approach constantly interweaving observation, experimentation, modeling and theoretical reflection. Physics training at the University of Reunion Island offers students a suitable educational environment to enable them to acquire these skills. Teaching is designed to combine fundamental concepts and learning of methodological and experimental tools. A privileged place is thus given to the analysis and observation of the results resulting from the putting into practice of fundamental concepts of physics.

Training aims

The main objective of the Bachelor's degree in physics is to guarantee solid fundamental training in physics, allowing professional integration, at the technician/assistant engineer level and continuation of studies in a Master's degree ensuring subsequent professional integration at the executive/engineer level.

Advantages of the training

Teaching is designed to combine fundamental concepts and learning of methodological and experimental tools. Emphasis is placed on experimental illustration through practical work and projects while combining the use of analogies to develop the ability to estimate, model and calculate

Targeted skills

Beyond their knowledge base in physics, mathematics and computer science, the student who obtains their Bachelor's degree in physics will have the following skills:

  • Autonomy in work, time management, self-assessment.

  • Implementation of an experimental approach and carrying out of an associated scientific experiment.

  • Solving a scientific problem.

  • Theoretical formulation, modeling, algorithms and scientific programming.

  • Use of new information and communication technologies.

  • Information and documentary research.

  • Communication in English (oral and written).

Sheet of the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP)

Summary of lessons by course

This training provides students with an educational environment adapted to the acquisition and use of basic knowledge in mathematics in order to formulate laws and quantify observations or measurements, to master the composition of matter, and in computer programming (numerical and experimental support tools) in order to complete the analytical modeling. The main disciplinary fields concern the fields of electromagnetism, mechanics, optics, quantum physics, relativity, subatomic physics, nuclear physics, thermodynamics and statistical physics. This degree includes multidisciplinary opening courses which allow you to broaden your skills towards fields such as the environment, geosciences, life sciences, computer science, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, materials physics, management etc.


An internship in a professional environment must be completed in License 3.

Specific devices

Not concerned.

Conditions of access to training

Baccalaureate or equivalent.

Continuing Studies

The Bachelor of Physics is a diploma which offers students the possibility of applying for Masters with a physics focus or Masters in teaching. Furthermore, a partnership with the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse offers the possibility for students who have completed their diploma to access certain Masters degrees from this university. Access to engineering schools with a Bachelor's degree in physics is also possible, generally on application.

Career opportunities

Generally speaking, the energy, environment and engineering sectors are opportunities for our graduates who want to enter the workplace. The environment in Reunion Island is favorable in these dynamic and potentially job-creating sectors.

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