License Geography and planning

Domain: Cultures, territories and plural societies in the Indian Ocean

Course: not applicable

ECTS credits


level of studies
at the end of training

Baccalaureate + 3

Teaching locations

Saint-Denis – Moufia Campus

Type of training : Licence

Training regime: Initial formation

Training summary

This License allows the acquisition of skills required for the analysis of issues of planning and development of territories, environment or even heritage management. Alongside disciplinary knowledge, students learn methods and tools to carry out maps, surveys or territorial diagnoses in land planning.

Training aims

  • Provide students with precise and varied knowledge on the geography of Reunion and the Indian Ocean

  • Develop the ability to write and understand information given in all its forms (texts, images, advertising, internet pages, etc.) by exercising critical thinking

  • Introduction to research careers


Advantages of the training

  • In addition to the compulsory Teaching Units (major teaching units), one optional teaching unit per semester is offered (minor teaching unit in geography, regional planning or other).

  • Teaching time includes equivalent lectures (CM) as well as tutorials (TD) and field trips which allow students to better understand and integrate the theoretical knowledge covered in class.

  • A compulsory internship in the third year completes the training.

Targeted skills

The Geography and Planning License allows you to:

  • Improve your expression skills, both written and oral

  • Implement the methods and tools of this disciplinary field: construct reasoning, synthesize, produce, process and analyze diverse content in numerous fields (human, cultural, social, physical geography, nature-society interactions) and numerous spaces ( Reunion, southwest Indian Ocean, East Africa, Europe, World). 

Sheet of the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP)

Summary of lessons by course

The Bachelor's degree in geography and planning covers the majority of thematic and scientific fields: urban, economic geography, networks and territories, political geography, regional geography, environments and societies, etc. The training provided makes it possible to understand the interactions between the environment and society by relating the dynamics and activities of societies and territorial planning.

Course titles (compulsory language + an opening teaching unit over each of the six semesters):

License 1   

Spaces, territories, landscapes; earth system and global changes; knowledge, data, image; read the world: current events deciphered by geography; introduction to planning; regional geography of the southwest Indian Ocean; bgeogeography and climates of the Earth; map commentary and summary sketch; globalization and challenges; social and cultural geography; environment, uses, societies

License 2

Climate change, adaptations and resilience; new geography of Europe, issues and challenges; dynamics of urban, peri-urban and rural spaces; cartography and statistics; geopolitics, actors and conflicts; Geographic Information System (GIS) initiation, graphic semiology; Reunion challenges; LFrench space and its dynamics; natural resources, issues, planning; territorial governance; bivariate statistical analyses; migrations, diasporas and mobilities; identities, tourism, heritage; GIS, manipulation of vector and raster geographic data

License 3

Flows, hubs and networks; coastal dynamics and littoralization; territorial dynamics of island spaces; territorial diagnostics and territorial projects; planning: institutional contexts and issues; practices and uses of the web; GIS, statistical multivariate analysis; pterritorial planning and local development policies; unequal worlds; territorial issues in the Indian Ocean; project assembly and management; territorial dynamics and tourism development; communication and controversies in public space; GIS and remote sensing; competition questions 


Compulsory internship in License 3

Specific devices

In the first year, a system allows students in difficulty to be monitored to enable them to succeed in their studies in a Geography degree.
Tutors also support students who wish to do so in all or part of the training.

Conditions of access to training

Bachelor's degree or equivalent

Continuing Studies

  • Master's degree in planning (general or specialized: transport, town planning, ecology, etc.)

  • Master Tourism

  • Master in Teaching, Education and Training Professions (MEEF),

  • Master's degree in specialized schools (journalism, etc.)

Career opportunities

  • Private sector employee (development professions)

  • Territorial civil servant (development services, town planning, etc. after competition)

  • State civil servant (school teacher, history and geography teacher, etc. after competitive examination)

  • Entrepreneur (consulting company)

FOLIO Fabrice
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