Bachelor’s degree in foreign and regional languages, literatures and civilizations (LLCER) – Creole

Domain: Cultures, territories and plural societies in the Indian Ocean

Course: Creole

ECTS credits


level of studies
at the end of training

Baccalaureate +3

Teaching locations

Saint-Denis – Moufia Campus

Type of training : Licence

Training regime: Initial formation

Training summary

The LLCER License, Creole course, is intended to conform to the spirit of the new directions for the development of regional languages. This training strengthens the skills of those who work or will work in the fields of education, culture, tourism, sustainable development, interpreting, translation, audiovisual, taking into account their regional environment.

This training exercises students' critical faculties, their ability to observe, understand and analyze Creole societies, and particularly that of Reunion Island. It allows students to acquire a general knowledge of Creolistics, Creole literature and modern languages. 

Training aims

The License 3 LLCER creole course aims to increase all the skills relating to the fields of creolistics. It delves deeper into the areas of learning around literature, linguistics and sociolinguistics. It also offers openings in Information - communication, history and anthropology. It emphasizes the acquisition of methodological and technical skills on written and oral mastery (in French and Creole) to ensure the success of students, particularly (but not exclusively) during teaching competition. It constitutes a good foundation for professions in teaching, culture, books, documentation and communication. It also introduces people to research careers.

Advantages of the training

  • The License 3 LLCER Creole course offers an in-depth study of theoretical contributions from several disciplines while developing the analysis of the terrain of Reunion or other geographical areas of the Indian Ocean. It thus allows an in-depth observation of Creole spaces and societies. However, in order not to be confined to a single discipline, the skills developed are also enriched and diversified during shared Teaching Units (UE) in literature, linguistics or anthropology. This training also allows a first approach to professional issues concerning languages ​​and society, contextualization, such as teaching, information and communication professions, prevention and fight against illiteracy, research professions.

  • The teaching team comes from various backgrounds (teacher-researchers, secondary school teachers, historians, anthropologists, etc.) thus guaranteeing a plurality of approaches.

  • The students who meet during this training also come from various technical or university courses. Following this License, students who wish can apply for several Masters or enter the professional world.

  • The members of the team mainly work in two Masters (literature and language sciences), which reinforces educational continuity.

Targeted skills

The objectives of the training correspond to the skills in the RNCP sheet:

  • Identification of a question within a disciplinary field: several disciplinary fields (the different areas of creolistics)

  • Analysis of a question by mobilizing disciplinary concepts

  • Implementation of methods and tools from the disciplinary field: linguistic, grammatical, stylistic, socio-linguistic tools.

  • Digital and digital uses: written and oral use of the most common tools (word processing, document editing, etc.)

  • Use of data for analysis purposes

  • Written and oral expression and communication

  • Positioning in relation to a professional field: teaching, research, documentation, communication

  • Responsibility action within a professional organization: in particular through the internship to be carried out

Sheet of the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP)

Summary of lessons by course

The main block of teaching units concerns the linguistic areas:

“Creole linguistics and grammar” which introduces the analysis of the syntax and morphology of Reunion Creole in the light of the general study of languages ​​and French in particular, with a variationist approach; “Pragmatics” where the analysis will be centered on the enunciative and dialogic dimension of language, on the relationships between language and discourse, as well as on the relationships between linguistic reality and extralinguistic reality; “The methodology of the written language in Creole” which aims to develop competence in Creole written expression; “Translation” which engages in reflection on translation studies and develops translation skills from French to Creole and from Creole to French; “Oral expression in Creole” which covers the functioning of the Creole oral language in order to become aware of the different parameters involved in oral communication (language, voice, body, space).

The literary field focuses on written and oral Reunion Creole literature and in particular the conditions of production, the evolution and the writing problems of these texts, including the relationship established between the place and the writing of the texts, namely how the place influences the writing and how the literary text says the place.

The Teaching Unit (EU) Mascarenes in the XNUMXth century (shared with the history department) aims to familiarize the student with the sources of the history of the Mascarenes and to know the series of ancient archives likely to contain information on the history of the islands, as well as the digital instruments created from these archives, which revolutionize the work of the historian by instantly providing elements that would previously have required lengthy research.

Two EUs address the issue of illiteracy, “language, language and situations of illiteracy” to address the issue of illiteracy and the terms frequently associated with it (illiteracy, illiteracy) and “prevent and combat illiteracy » where the aim will be to explore the principles underlying actions to prevent and combat illiteracy.

The EU “ethnography, field research: “Creole religion”” aims to report on current developments in the study of Creole religion based on a field survey.

“Cultural creolization in the southwest of the Indian Ocean” (shared with the department of human and social sciences) will provide knowledge of the presence of various cultural substrates and on the other hand anthropological knowledge of Creole cultures generated by their contacts in the Creole archipelagos of Indianoceania, without forgetting some dependent islands (Rodrigues, Agalega, Chagos).

“ethnology of Creole spaces in the southwest of the Indian Ocean” (shared with SS department) studies the impact of the configuration of spaces on the functioning and organization of any society.

“Creole and public space” (shared with the information and communication department) offers a quest to capture speeches and the organization of languages ​​in the Reunion community.

Methodological skills are in-depth in several EU: “field data” is intended to be a general introduction to field linguistics, and more specifically in a Creole area, “oral and written communication” offers preparation for French tests in various competitions , “initiation to Creole research” sets itself the objective of progressive immersion in the scientific productions – linguistic, anthropological and literary – that are most significant for the knowledge of the fundamentals of research.

This License is also an opportunity to discover the professional environment through “visits and analyzes of Creole-speaking professional spaces” for a deeper understanding of the needs and specificities of the territory in terms of professional supervision and integration and an “approach to Creole as a professional language” where the lexical and semantic fields most in demand by professions and activities anchored in the history and geography of the place will be identified and where a contribution to linguistic equipment will be proposed for the most exposed professional fields.


50 hour course

Specific devices

Not concerned

Conditions of access to training

Baccalaureate + 2 or equivalent

Continuing Studies

  • Master of Letters

  • Master's degree in Language Sciences

  • Master's degree in book trades

  • Master information - communication

  • Master's degree in teaching, education and training (MEEF) etc.

Career opportunities

Professions in education, communication, publishing, culture, local and national administration.

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