Scholarships and exchange programs

Have you decided to join our establishment? Scholarships and exchange programs exist to help you and guide you in your efforts.


For 7nd consecutive year, the International Relations Department of the University of Reunion is launching its Excellence Scholarship program for students with a Master 1 or 2 obtained in the universities of the program's partner countries.

Program results HORIZON Excellence Scholarships 2023-2024

The Horizon Excellence Scholarships Award Commission for the year 2023-24 met on June 22, 2023. The minutes were validated on Tuesday June 27, 2023. Consequently, the candidates whose files were selected in the Master 2 to which they applied, were all informed by email of the results of this Commission.

28 applications from candidates from countries participating in the Horizon Scholarship program were selected for Master 2 and were studied by the Horizon Excellence Scholarship Award Commission. The latter selected the 9 best who will benefit from the Scholarship.

These 9 winners have 7 days, from the sending of the email, to confirm their participation (deadline: Friday July 8). Once this participation is confirmed, the Winners will be supported in their efforts by the International Relations Department (DRI) of the University of Reunion.

If you ever applied for the Horizon Excellence Scholarship but have not received an email from the DRI of the University of La Réunion, this means that your application was unfortunately not accepted..

You will be able to apply again next year. The call for applications will be posted online on this page.

The 2024 call for applications for the Eiffel scholarship program is launched. 

As every year, the University of Reunion participates in this Eiffel excellence scholarship program and the submission of applications to Campus France will be carried out by the International Relations Department (DRI) in accordance with the procedure applicable to all establishments.

The Eiffel scholarship program is a tool developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education establishments to attract the best international students into degree courses at Masters and Doctorate level.

Field of study eligible for the Eiffel scholarship for the Master and Doctorate component


  • Biology and health
  • Ecological transition
  • Mathematics and digital
  • Engineering and engineering sciences


  • History French Language and Civilization
  • Law and Political Science
  • Economy Management

The application procedure

Step 1:

  1. Check your eligibility while consulting the regulations of the Eiffel Stock Exchange
  2. To obtain the Master or Doctorate level application file, you must make the request by email by writing to the following address: international[at]  or to  mylene.choukon[at] or by contactingCampus France space of your country of origin or the cooperation and cultural action service of the French embassy who will be able to guide you and advise you in your study project.
  3. The application is made online on the application set up by Campus France and which will be communicated to you following your email.
  4. You'll need complete the application file and assemble all the necessary parts to join. The application file consists of three parts:
    • Information about the candidate (to be completed by the candidate)
    • Presentation of the application (to be completed by the candidate and the teacher at the host university)
    • General information about the establishment (to be completed by the host university)

Reminder: a total or partial withdrawal

This program is reserved for candidates of foreign nationality. Binational candidates, one of whose nationalities is French, are not eligible.

Date of Birth:

  • MASTER: Candidates must be aged 25 or less on the date of the selection committee, or born after March 1998.
  • DOCTORATE: Candidates must be aged 30 or less at the time of the application campaign, or born after March 1993.

Applications must be completed no later than November 24, 2023.

All incomplete files (not completed and no attachments) will be refused after November 24, 2023

  • End of November 2023: transmission of files to the educational managers of the targeted training for opinion
  • Mid December 2023: transmission of files having received a favorable opinion from the educational manager of the targeted training to Campus France

The results will be accessible from the week of April 1, 2024   Campus France.

Exchange programs

The Eiffel scholarship program is a tool developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education establishments to attract the best international students into degree courses at Masters and Doctorate level.

Conditions of participation

You are a student at a partner European university. Your university must have signed an Erasmus + agreement with our university and your field of study is covered by this agreement, so you can apply for mobility within our university. The International Relations Department of your university can provide you with information.

Steps to join the University of Reunion

You have been selected as an ERASMUS student by your university to come and study in Reunion, you must then complete our application form which you can download below.

You must attach university transcripts from previous years.

Students who do not study French at their university must provide a letter from their professor attesting that they have a sufficient level to take courses in French. Please note that level B1 is required to join the University of Réunion.

In addition, the International Student Guide in exchange program provides you with practical information.

Prepare your arrival in Reunion

III.1. Accommodation

 a) In student housing (CROUS of Reunion)
You have been warned! 
: we cannot guarantee obtaining a place in a university residence.
When submitting your application, if you have asked us for accommodation in a university residence, we will send you all the documents relating to accommodation. You will then have to return to the DRI (no part must be missing):

  • Le accommodation contract signed : North campus (Saint Denis) ou South Campus (Buffer)
  • Le CROUS internal regulations signed
  • The Annex to the internal regulations relating to sanctions and disciplinary measures
  • Charter for the use of IT resources (Internet) of the CROUS
  • Payment for the room in university residence : upon your arrival in Reunion Island you will have to pay 3 months' rent (€237) + a deposit (€280 for accommodation at the Cité Internationale on the North Campus / €185 for accommodation at the Cité du Tampon on the South Campus) + 20 € administration fees
  • You must join a provident insurance (water damage/fire): Mutual LMDE or Mutual VITTAVI 

 b) Accommodation excluding university residence
If no university room is available or if you do not want to be accommodated in a university residence, for students on the North/South campus, you can

III.2. Arrival: Arrival Announcement Form

The DRI takes care of your transfer from the airport to the CROUS or city center of Saint Denis. You have been warned! : no refund can be made if the transfer is made outside the framework established by the DRI.

 Please complete the form 'Arrival Announcement' :  

  • students arriving in the 1st semester must return it by email before 1er July 
  • students arriving in the 2nd semester must return it by email before 1er december

At the end of your mobility: academic recognition and transcript

Incoming students as part of an Erasmus mobility are subject to the same assessment procedures as students from the University of Reunion.

At the end of each semester, as soon as the jury's deliberations have been formalized, the grades are transmitted to the International Relations Department which will be responsible for transmitting them to your home university.

If you have any questions on this subject, do not hesitate to ask the manager of the Europe division or the Administrative Manager of the International Relations Department.

Telephone (+262)262 93 83 22 or (+262)262 93 83 47 

Fax: (+0262)262 93 83 20

To find out the procedure to follow to participate in ISEP exchanges:

ISEP exchange conditions

  • You are a student at an American university, member of the ISEP network;
  • You pay registration fees at your home university and not at the University of Reunion

Duration of study stay

Students can come and study 1 or 2 semesters :

  • fall semester: mid-August to December
  • winter semester: end of January to June

Application files

Application files are sent to the ISEP coordinator of the University of Réunion by ISEP Washington. Acceptance of the application file is carried out by the ISEP coordinator. You will then receive an acceptance letter from the University of Reunion which will then allow you to begin your visa procedures.


We can provide you with accommodation in a university residence. For this, you must send us back as soon as you are admitted to our university:

This must be done within the following deadlines:

  • at the latest June 1st, if you arrive for the year or in the 1st semester (fall session)
  • at the latest November, 1st, if you arrive in the 2nd semester (winter session)



We can send a taxi to pick you up from the airport. To this end, you must send us the form Arrival Announcement by email as soon as you know your arrival date.

Welcome day

A welcome day is organized each year for international students to introduce them to the campus and university services.

Formalities to complete upon your arrival at the University of La Réunion

  • You must go to the DRI to complete your administrative and educational registration. You do not have to pay any registration fees.
  • You must have your entry into French territory validated by the OFII, the documents must be submitted to the DRI (the long-stay visa form duly completed by the American authorities, copy of the passport and visa, a photo of identity, proof of address in Reunion) which will transmit to the Prefecture/OFII. 
  • Modifications to educational contracts (learning agreement) must be discussed with the ISEP coordinator of the UR
  • After your exams at UR, a transcript is prepared and sent to ISEP Washington which transmits it to your home university responsible for validating your study stay in Reunion.
  • You can complete the online questionnaire in order to give your opinion on the ISEP mobility carried out at the University of Reunion and return it by email (

The 2022 call for applications for the Eiffel scholarship program is launched. 

As every year, the University of Reunion participates in this Eiffel excellence scholarship program and the submission of applications to Campus France will be carried out by the international relations department in accordance with the procedure applicable to all establishments.

The Eiffel scholarship program is a tool developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education establishments to attract the best international students into degree courses at Masters and Doctorate level.

Creation of the BCI application file

You must contact the department responsible for BCI exchanges in your university.
You will have to complete an electronic application form after the department responsible for exchanges at your university has given you a personal access code.

All information about the online application is available on the BCI website.

This form must be edited and submitted, accompanied by all the documents required by the BCI file, to the department responsible for exchanges at your university.

Establishing the curriculum

Consult now our training offer

Decision of the University of Reunion

Once we receive your file, we send it to the teachers responsible for exchanges in your specialty at our university who will decide whether or not you are admitted as a student in the BCI mobility program.

We inform you between mid-May and mid-June by email and by official letter of our decision to accept or refuse your application to our establishment as a BCI student.
In the event of refusal, we will immediately forward your file to the universities that you would have chosen as your 2nd or 3rd choice.

Prepare your arrival in Reunion

Visa application

If you are admitted to the University of Reunion as a BCI student, you must go, with the letter of acceptance that you have received, to the French Embassy or Consulate closest to your city in order to complete your visa application.

  • Accommodation in university residences on the NORD campus – Moufia

If you want accommodation in a university residence, you must provide the DRI with: 

no later than June 1 for students arriving for the year or the 1st semester (fall session)

no later than November 1 for students arriving in the 2nd semester (winter session)

  • Accommodation in university residences on the SUD campus

There is no availability of accommodation in university residences.

  • Arrival Announcement

Students admitted to the University of Reunion (year – semester 1 or 2) must return the form quickly, by email. 'Arrival Announcement' if you would like a taxi to pick you up from the airport on the day of your arrival.

Creation of the PPI application file

You must contact the department responsible for PPI exchanges in your university.

The department responsible for exchanges sends the University of Reunion a list of nominated students registered in the following programs:

1st cycle (Baccalaureate)

  • in biology (6 students maximum per year)
  • in economics, political science and international relations (6 students maximum per year)
  • in anthropology and sociology (5 students maximum per year)

Duration of the exchange: 1 semester or 1 year.

Undergraduate doctorate in medicine (2 students maximum per year)

Upon receipt of the list, the University of Reunion will send you a link to apply online on its application platform and attach the requested documents:

  • Copy of passport
  • All academic transcripts
  • Cover letter
  • Letter of recommendation
  • The study contract
  • The list of courses you plan to take
  • ID photo
  • Birth certificate

If you wish to be accommodated at Crous (university accommodation for students):

  • Provide the documents requested for this purpose on the platform

List of courses accessible by program

Students have access to non-contingent courses in the following programs:

License and M1 (1st cycle) from the UFR Sciences and Technologies subject to course opening and timetable compatibility.

The course program is accessible on the following websites. The description of each course specifies whether it is open to international exchanges.



Please note that the EU code of each PDF downloaded from the links above allows you to access the information relating to the course in question.

License and M1 (1st cycle) in the fields of anthropology, sociology, economics and Master only for political science and international relations depending on availability at the time of exchange:

UFR Law and Economics

Law courses:

Economics courses:

UFR Letters and human sciences (Social Sciences tab then Common Documents tab)

►The “Bachelor’s and M1” courses in Reunion correspond in North America to the Baccalaureate training courses. While the “M2” courses correspond respectively to the Master’s courses (2nd cycle) in North America.

Decision of the University of Reunion

Once we have received your file, we will send it to the teachers responsible for exchanges in your specialty within our university, who will decide whether or not you are admitted as a student in the PPI mobility program.

Prepare your arrival in Reunion

Visa application

If you are admitted to the University of Reunion as a PPI student, you must go, with the acceptance letter that you will have received, to the French Embassy or Consulate closest to your city in order to complete your visa application.

Accommodation in university residences on the NORD campus – Moufia

 If you want accommodation in a university residence, you must provide the DRI with: 

no later than June 1 for students arriving for the year or the 1st semester (fall session)

no later than November 1 for students arriving in the 2nd semester (winter session)

Accommodation in university residences on the SUD campus

There is no availability of accommodation in university residences.

Arrival Announcement

Students admitted to the University of Reunion (year – semester 1 or 2) must return the form quickly, by email. 'Arrival Announcement' if you would like a taxi to pick you up from the airport on the day of your arrival.



You are a student at the University of Meiji

  • You must be selected by your university. It is the International Relations Department of your university that sends us the list of nominated students.
  • You pay the tuition fees at your home university and not at the University of Reunion Island.
  • The bi-lateral agreement allows for a maximum of two (2) students, either graduate or undergraduate, each year.

   Two (2) one-semester exchange students are counted as one (1) one-year exchange student.


At the University of La Réunion, the academic year is defined as follows:

  • one year: August to July
  • semester1: August to December
  • semester 2: January to June-July (depending on the course)

Length of study stay

Students can come to study for 1 or 2 semesters (the academic year runs from August to June):

  •  first semester (autumn): mid-August to mid-December
  •  second half of the year (winter): mid-January to end of June

Apply online on the e-candidate platform

Une réponse en deux parties: The University of Reunion Island creates your account on the online application platform.

Une réponse en deux parties: You will receive an email asking you to confirm your account.

Une réponse en deux parties: You complete your online application form.

Une réponse en deux parties: Once you have completed your application, it is submitted to Mr Jean-Joseph TRAMONI – jean-joseph.tramoni[at], the exchange program coordinator of the University of Reunion Island, and to the international liaison officer of the faculty you wish to study at.

Une réponse en deux parties: Your application is validated and you will then receive a letter of admission from the University of Reunion Island, which will enable you to apply for a visa.

Teaching contract

To draw up your educational contract, commonly known as a “study contract”, please fill it in correctly using the course models offered by the University of La Réunion.


We can provide you with accommodation in a student residence. To do so, you must complete the following documents, which you will need to attach to your online application:


1. If you arrive between Monday and Friday, the DRI will be able to pick you up from the airport. As soon as you know your arrival date, please complete and submit the form 'Arrival Announcement' to help us organize your welcome at the airport. This should be done before:

  •  july 1st if you're arriving for the first semester (starts in August)
  •  Dec 1st if you're arriving for the second semester (starts in January)

2. A welcome day is organized every year for international students to introduce them to the campus and the university services.

Formalities do be completed on your arrival in Reunion Island

  •  You must have your entry into France validated by the OFII and must obtain a residence permit. You can do this as soon as you arrive via this link.
  •  You will have to register as a teacher. The DRI will assist you in this process. Changes to the teaching contract must be approved by your home university.

End of your mobility

After your exams at the University of La Réunion, a transcript of marks is drawn up and sent to your home university, which is responsible for validating your study stay in Réunion.

European flag

The REUNION program does not offer any study, internship or staff mobility for the year 2023/2024. We meet again in August 2024 for the new mobility offer.

For 2nd consecutive year, the International Relations Department of the University of Reunion launches its REUNION program for students from ten partner universities of the program.

Le MEETING program (Regional Exchange University Indian Ocean) is an ambitious program from the University of La Réunion which aims to strengthen inter-university partnerships in the Indian Ocean region.

This is a large-scale supervised mobility program for the benefit of students and staff of universities in the Indian Ocean.

The operation REGIONAL EXCHANGE UNIVERSITY INDIAN OCEAN (MEETING) is co-financed by the European Union as part of the INTERREG V-Indian Ocean cooperation program.

This program allows students from the establishments listed below to benefit from funding for their mobility for a period of ten months to complete a year of License 2, License 3, Master 1 or 2 at the University of Reunion.

To the 2022-2023 academic yearpartner establishments of the program are the following :

    • University of Mauritius
    • University of the Mascarenes
    • Catholic University of Madagascar
    • Higher Institute of Technology of Antananarivo
    • University of Antananarivo
    • University of Comoros
    • University of Seychelles
  • KENYA:
    • Kenyatta University
    • Eduardo Mondlane University
    • Mozambique Pedagogical University

The files of students eligible for this scholarship will be studied after the application campaign. As a reminder :

  • The application campaign for students of countries applying the CEF procedure (see list of countries) has been closed on January 1, 2022.
  • Applications from students countries not applying the CEF procedure (see list of countries) are open from April 1 to May 03, 2022 and are done on the platform e-candidate (dates and conditions of registration here).

The selection will be made by a selection committee according to the following criteria: academic excellence, motivation, suitability of course/project, level of diploma.

Financial aid for mobility

The student can benefit from the following financial aid:

  • Support for visa fees up to 60 Euros (with proof of invoice)
  • Installation bonus from 800 Euros
  • Monthly compensation of €700 for a maximum of 10 months
  • Flat rate coverage of air transport costs (amount varies depending on the country)

Le Virtual mobility consortium eMobi@Dg2 is made up of universities from the Dg2 Network which wish, in their mutual interest, to allow their regular students to follow distance learning courses at the host university, while obtaining their degree at their home university.

The internationalization of higher education is a rapidly changing phenomenon. Virtual mobility experiences, where universities make a certain number of places within their distance courses available to other universities, are starting to appear, as technologies now allow this.

The Dg2 Network brings together 13 universities from 8 countries spread across 4 continents.

Partner universities of the DG2 network

The Network of Excellence of University Leaders in Governance and Management (Dg2 Network) brings together 13 universities from 8 countries spread across 4 continents.

Here is a list of partner universities offering courses this year (list subject to change during the year):

  • University of Reunion – France
  • Laval University – Canada
  • University of Geneva – Switzerland
  • University of Strasbourg – France
  • University of Côte d’Azur (IAE Nice) – France
  • Universidad del Rosario – Colombia
  • UNESP Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho – Brazil
  • University of Hamburg – Germany
  • University of Bordeaux – France

Course offering

You want to study a course at the University of Reunion

Here are the courses we offer for 1rd semester (September to December) of the 2023/2024 academic year:

  • History of China: from the Neolithic to the Qing dynasty

The general objective of this WEU will therefore be to show the construction of the Chinese empire, on the basis of several regional and Asian cultures, and the construction of successive dynasty, each having had an impact on Chinese civilization.

  • Develop your digital culture

Determine your personal profile in terms of digital uses assessed on 16 skills. Progress by studying and applying the uses of digital technology through interactive and fun exercises on the national platform.

  • Introduction to Chinese society today

The general objective of this UEO is to give students basic knowledge about contemporary China and to cultivate their critical and intercultural spirit. Through various aspects of today's Chinese society presented in this course, students are invited to make comparisons and reflect on their own culture and society.

  • Chinese literature: from classics to science fiction

The general objective of this UEO is to give students as wide a range as possible of the history of Chinese literature, from the classical period to the contemporary era. In the first part, “ancient and classic literatures” aim to provide keys to understanding Chinese thought through literature. By retracing the history of “modern and contemporary literature”, the second part will lay the foundations for women's literature, political literature and the evolution of science fiction literature in China.

Here are the courses we offer at 2nd semester (February to May-June) of the 2023/2024 academic year:

  • Confucianism and Taoism, philosophies to rediscover
  • Chinese literature: from classics to science fiction
  • Introduction to Chinese society today
  • History of China: from the Neolithic to the Qing dynasty
  • Serial decryption
  • Waste management and environmental issues
  • Develop your digital culture
  • Korean language learning

1. The courses offered are entirely remote and do not involve any activity requiring the physical presence of students at the host university.

2. They are only accessible to regular students registered in one of the universities that are members of the eMobi@Dg2 virtual mobility consortium.

3. The Dg2 Network offers 106 courses

4. 09 fields of study


What are the procedures to follow?

1. Apply

Before you start filling out the form, make sure you have:

  • A letter of approval from your university for all courses chosen (e.g. by the faculty, department or program director)
  • A valid ID
  • Your most recent transcript
  • An assessment of your language skills if necessary

2. Complete the online form

Complete the form via this link

⇒ After completing your form, please send it along with supporting documents to the person responsible for eMobi@Dg2 virtual mobility at your home university and to the DG2 referent at the host university.

3. Reunion University Referents

Course start dateReferent
Semester 1: Beginning of October 2023 to mid-December 2023Mylène Choukon
Semester 2: Beginning March 2024 to May-June 2024emobi-dg2[at]

⇒ PLEASE NOTE: Registration deadline for semester 1: SEPTEMBER 1, 2023

                          Registration deadline for semester 2: JANUARY 19, 2024

4. After submitting an online application

The host university you have chosen for online courses receives applications and evaluates each application based on academic criteria, available places and language level if necessary

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