Exchange programs

Even more than in any other French university, it is necessary in Reunion Island to skip the sea. Going to study abroad is obvious!

Why study abroad?

Studying abroad is a guarantee of enriching the student curriculum vitae, learning a foreign language and adopting other modes of higher education.

The University of Reunion promotes student mobility, particularly with regard to the following three points:

  • recognition of the period spent abroad: when the student goes on a mobility supervised by the University, he has the assurance that his training spent at the host University will be validated. The student is in fact considered to be registered at the University of Reunion, and his grades are transferred according to a logic of credits (ECTS credits/CREPUQ credits);
  • partial coverage of transport and accommodation costs: the different mobility players (State, LADOM, European Commission, local authorities) provide cross-financing in synergy in order to enable mobility; it follows that the status of scholarship student is not an obstacle to mobility;
  • the construction of an educational contract at the start: before leaving, the student establishes a contract with the educational manager for the year which will be spent on mobility. so that the courses taken abroad correspond to the teaching that would have been delivered in Reunion

Erasmus +

International Credit Mobility (KA-171)

International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)

UNiversity Indian Ocean Regional Exchange Program (REUNION)

Quebec Student Exchange Program – BCI (CREPUQ)

International Profile Program – PPI (Quebec)

Meiji (Japan)

Asia Exchange

EMOBI@DG2 – Virtual Mobility Consortium

More information on mobility aids can be read on this page

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