Soft Skills: fundamental issue for professional integration

  • Category: Arts, cultures and societies
  • Semester: Semester 1 (S1)
  • ECTS credits
    2 ECTS – 20 hours
  • Number of places
    North Campus: 300 places & South Campus: 200 places
  • Teaching locations

    (S1) North Campus – Moufia

    (S1) South Campus – Buffer

General rules

  • From the moment you have validated a UEO, you cannot submit your application a second time to the same UEO.
  • You must be covered by civil liability which may be requested at any time by the speakers or the administration.
  • The documents that we advise you to consult: the Specific Regulations of WEU and Frequently Asked Questions

Target audience

Exclusively for students registered in General License

You must check that your sector is correct concerned by WEU.

Priority licensing levels

  • License 2
  • License 3

Recommended sectors

  • Open to all



UEO open to students in international exchange programs

For students in an exchange program, registration is made directly with the International Relations Department (without going through the registration platform dedicated to the UEO).

Description of the WEU

The University's mission is now to prepare students for jobs that, for the most part, do not yet exist. Forecasters predict that in 2030, two-thirds of current students will be working in jobs that have not yet been invented. It is therefore necessary to train them in the soft skills related to the spirit of innovation, intellectual curiosity, teamwork, stress management and, more broadly, adaptability. These soft skills, called soft skills, are elements that already make a difference in the eyes of recruiters.

Indeed, on the one hand, there are hard skills, in other words "demonstrable" skills, which are technical or academic knowledge that is acquired by the individual and which has given rise to grades, grades or certifications (titles, qualification certificates, diplomas). On the other hand, there are soft skills, more informal, which are skills in their own right that can be an opportunity to become aware of one's own strengths and which are increasingly valued within the company in France: listening, teaching, empathy, adaptability, creativity, stress management, etc.

As part of the project "Soft skills: a fundamental issue for the professional integration of students", students will be offered supervision aimed at consolidating their learning, focusing on teamwork, collaborative work, group dynamics, networking, conflict resolution between peers, leading meetings and working groups based on creative and participatory methods, agile project management, public speaking and the ability to convince, etc.

All major areas of soft skills will be worked on:

· Emotion area: self-confidence, self-esteem, autonomy, identification of one's added value, adaptability to one's environment

· Cognitive area: capacities for analysis, synthesis, creativity.

· Action area: taking initiative, will, ability to set goals and achieve them, entrepreneurial spirit.

· Social area: communication, collaboration and conflict resolution skills.

WHAT DO I LEARN? Targeted RNCP skill blocks

  • Identification of a question within a disciplinary field

Other specific skills


Teaching methods

  • Synchronous remote
  • Asynchronous remote

Assessment methods

Terminal control

Forecast timetable

UEO Soft Skills Planning – S1

The UEOs do not appear on the Timetable (EDT) of your License.

The UEO managers will communicate to you directly any changes to EDT that may occur during the semester.

How to register

This UEO interests me

I am doing my administrative registration

Sign up

Managers of the UEO North Campus and South Campus – Department of Studies and Training Management (DEPF):

Contact form

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