Intermediate Level Diving – Supervised at 20 M (PE-20)

  • Category: Sport and health
  • Semester: Semesters 1 and 2 (S1 and S2)
  • This UEO requires additional educational registration with SUAPS*

  • ECTS credits
    2 ECTS – 20 hours
  • Number of places
    North Campus: 20 places & South Campus: 20 places
  • Teaching locations

    (S1 & S2) North & South Campus – Introduction to diving in a pool – ONLY in the North – Bellepierre at INSPE

    (S1 and S2) North & South Campus – Sea diving – Mascarene Nautical Base (Le Port)

    Please provide your own transportation

General rules

  • From the moment you have validated a UEO, you cannot submit your application a second time to the same UEO.
  • You must be covered by civil liability which may be requested at any time by the speakers or the administration.
  • The documents that we advise you to consult: the Specific Regulations of WEU and Frequently Asked Questions

Target audience

Exclusively for students registered in General License

You must check that your sector is correct concerned by WEU.

Priority licensing levels

  • Open to everyone

Recommended sectors

  • Open to all


1) Have already participated in PE12 and had at least 10/20 registration
2) Complete the form specific to this course which will be sent to the student by email.
3) Upload a medical certificate for diving to this form
4) Participate in the information meeting
5) Participate in the 1/2 day of training in the pool if participation in the course dates back more than a year

In view of the safety rules of the discipline, the assessment of this UEO can only be carried out after having followed the majority of the teaching. Students in exceptional regimes will have the same constraint, and must consider it before committing.

UEO open to students in international exchange programs

For students in an exchange program, registration is made directly with the International Relations Department (without going through the registration platform dedicated to the UEO).

* Additional educational registration

An additional step is necessary to finalize your participation in this UEO. This step can only be done after validation of your choice on the platform

Description of the WEU

In continuation of the course organized for thes beginners (it is essential to have successfully participated in the “BEGINNER LEVEL DIVING, Introduction to diving (PE-12)” course), you can improve and prepare for your level 1 / supervised diver at 20 m. by continuing your underwater adventure.

This UEO prepares you for passing diving certification (Level 1 Certificate, Supervised Diver Aptitude at 20m.)

All information on the SUAPS website:

The objective:

Improve your skills in diving to conduct an underwater trip in a natural environment, equipped with an autonomous diving suit, in a fluid and economical manner, to ensure your safety and that of your partner without harming your environment, in a diving situation supervised between 0- 20m.


WHAT DO I LEARN? Targeted RNCP skill blocks

  • Implementation of methods and tools from the disciplinary field
  • Use of data for analysis purposes
  • Liability action within a professional organization

Other specific skills


Teaching methods

  • Face


Assessment methods

Continuous monitoring

Forecast timetable

Mandatory information meeting on Monday, February 03, 2025 at 18:15 p.m. (Amphi Commerson- Moufia) for students on the North campus

Mandatory information meeting on Tuesday, February 04, 2025 at 18:15 p.m. (Amphi 120B Building T – Tampon) for students on the South campus

Swimming pool training: to be carried out between February 03 and 24, at INSPE (Bellepierre, St Denis)

Sea diving: to be booked from Tuesday to Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. or from 10 a.m. to 14 p.m. from the end of February.

Planning S2 – UEO Plongée PE-20


The UEOs do not appear on the Timetable (EDT) of your License.

The UEO managers will communicate to you directly any changes to EDT that may occur during the semester.

How to register

This UEO interests me

I am doing my administrative registration

Sign up

I am making my educational registration

Sign up

UEO managers – Department of Studies and Training Management (DEPF):

Contact form

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