Introduction to hatha yoga
- Category: Sport and health
- Semester: Semesters 1 and 2 (S1 and S2)
ECTS credits
2 ECTS – 20 hours -
Number of places
South campus: 20 places -
Teaching locations
(S1 and S2) South Campus – Tampon
General rules
- From the moment you have validated a UEO, you cannot submit your application a second time to the same UEO.
- You must be covered by civil liability which may be requested at any time by the speakers or the administration.
- The documents that we advise you to consult: the Specific Regulations of WEU and Frequently Asked Questions
Target audience
- Exclusively for students registered in General License
You must check that your sector is correct concerned by WEU.
Priority licensing levels
- Open to everyone
Recommended sectors
Open to all
- No
UEO open to students in international exchange programs
For students in an exchange program, registration is made directly with the International Relations Department (without going through the registration platform dedicated to the UEO).
Description of the WEU
This initiation in 10 sessions of 2 hours will allow you to learn how to reduce your stress, relax, explore your interiority and make your body more flexible.
All this thanks to basic postures, breathing, and the power of the group.
Modern life exposes us to many sources of stress.
Yoga (created several millennia ago) will promote:
* your detachment from the worries of daily life,
* a clearer vision of who you are and what you really need
* calming your mind and the constant flow of thoughts
The Sivananda method is a synthesis of different yogas, it is simple and effective.
WHAT DO I LEARN? Targeted RNCP skill blocks
- Identification of a question within a disciplinary field
- Analysis of a question by mobilizing disciplinary concepts
- Implementation of methods and tools from the disciplinary field
- Use of data for analysis purposes
- Positioning vis-à-vis a professional field
- Liability action within a professional organization
Other specific skills
Teaching methods
Assessment methods
Forecast timetable
Planning Introduction to yoga – S1
The UEOs do not appear on the Timetable (EDT) of your License.
The UEO managers will communicate to you directly any changes to EDT that may occur during the semester.
How to register
This UEO interests me
I am doing my administrative registration
Sign upContacts
Managers of the UEO north campus and south campus – Department of Studies and Training Management (DEPF):