- Category: Sport and health
- Semester: Semesters 1 and 2 (S1 and S2)
This UEO requires additional educational registration with SUAPS*
ECTS credits
2 ECTS – 20 hours -
Number of places
North Campus: 23 places -
Teaching locations
(S1 and S2) North Campus – Moufia
General rules
- From the moment you have validated a UEO, you cannot submit your application a second time to the same UEO.
- You must be covered by civil liability which may be requested at any time by the speakers or the administration.
- The documents that we advise you to consult: the Specific Regulations of WEU and Frequently Asked Questions
Target audience
Exclusively for students registered in General License
You must check that your sector is correct concerned by WEU.
Priority licensing levels
- Open to everyone
Recommended sectors
- Open to all
Educational registration at SUAPS after validation of your choice by the UEO service
In view of the safety rules of the discipline, the assessment of this UEO can only be carried out after having followed the majority of the teaching. Students in exceptional regimes will have the same constraint, and must consider it before committing.
UEO open to students in international exchange programs
For students in an exchange program, registration is made directly with the International Relations Department (without going through the registration platform dedicated to the UEO).
* Additional educational registration
An additional step is necessary to finalize your participation in this UEO. This step can only be done after validation of your choice on the platform
Description of the WEU
Mixed Martial Art is a three-dimensional hybrid combat sport that combines percussion grappling and ground combat. It fully responds to evolving news socio-cultural practices. The proposed initiation calls for action in five sectors opposition: boxes, takedowns, standing and ground transitions, ground combat.
The expected transversal and specific skills during the terminal evaluation are relevant social, cognitive, physiological, physical and psychological. Students will be required to create a technical expression through the study of several technicotactic diagrams, then to exploit this expression through reasoned oppositions. Educational progression is adapted to all levels of practice, thus creating a safe and conducive climate to learning this complete combat sport which is revealed through the continuity of actions, from standing to floor and from floor to standing.
WHAT DO I LEARN? Targeted RNCP skill blocks
- Implementation of methods and tools from the disciplinary field
- Use of data for analysis purposes
Other specific skills
- Knowing how to manage your individual emotions so as not to hinder your action, your safety, your communication (lucidity)
- Develop your motor skills and express yourself using your body
Teaching methods
- Face
Assessment methods
Forecast timetable
The UEOs do not appear on the Timetable (EDT) of your License.
The UEO managers will communicate to you directly any changes to EDT that may occur during the semester.
How to register
This UEO interests me
UEO managers – Department of Studies and Training Management (DEPF):