Staff mobility
Staff mobility financed by ERASMUS +
The International Relations Department (DRI) informs you about mobility possibilities for teaching staff and BIATSS financed by Erasmus +.
Mobilities can be either educational (Teaching Staff or TS), either training. They are an essential element of the internationalization of our university.
Teaching mobility funded by Erasmus+ is carried out for teaching purposes in a partner institution. It allows teachers and teacher-researchers to benefit from the opportunities offered by the Erasmus + program. It offers the opportunity to discover partner universities, strengthen links and follow the work of mobile students.
The Erasmus + agreements that work best are those where the strong commitment of teachers in both institutions allows:
- mutual knowledge of partner establishments, essential for advising students applying for Erasmus mobility,
- establishing and maintaining relationships of trust, the basis of lasting cooperation,
- the establishment of work and collaboration habits, very useful for the effective management of exchanges.
Who can leave?
You must be staff of the incumbent UR or under contract at the time of the mission. There are no nationality requirements.
How long can mobility last?
Mobility must include a minimum of 8 hours of teaching. It can last from 2 days to two months (excluding travel dates). The duration is calculated between the date of the outward journey and that of the return journey.
For so-called “combined” mobility (teaching + training), the minimum number of teaching hours is four per week.
Lessons must take place before September 30, 2024 except the United Kingdom (May 31, 2024).
How many staff can go on mobility?
07 scholarships to be awarded for the year 2023-2024.
What costs are covered by the DRI?
The International Relations Department is responsible for purchasing transport tickets.
Staff will benefit during their teaching mobility fromat least 4 daily allowances (considering that the mobility lasts at least 2 days and that the DRI covers the day before and the day after the mobility) and maximum of 7 daily allowances, regardless of the duration of mobility. The amount of the daily allowance depends on the location of the mobility according to the distribution below.
PLEASE NOTE: it is necessary to provide us with the accommodation invoice.
Adult groups | Country of destination | Amount per day in euros |
1 group Countries participating in the program with a high cost of living | Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, United Kingdom, Sweden | €119 |
2 group Countries participating in the program with an average cost of living | Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal | €106 |
3 group | Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey | €92 |
The ERASMUS+ program and the mobility of individuals with disabilities:
The Erasmus + program pays particular attention to reception, orientation and educational and technical support. It focuses mainly on the additional costs linked to the mobility of individuals with disabilities. The aim is to ensure that every individual fully benefits from their European mobility experience.
Each higher education establishment, by signing the Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), is committed to ensuring equal access and mobility opportunities for participants from all backgrounds. Consequently, individuals with disabilities can benefit from the support services that the host institution offers to its students and staff. Here for information is the notes.
Step 1 – The application
You must complete the form application validated by the director and international relations relay of your main assignment component. The validation can be transmitted to the DRI in two ways: by an email from your component to the DRI with attached the completed form which you will receive by email after having completed it; or by transmission of the signed version of the completed form.
We invite you to check with the DRI manager that an agreement has been signed with the university to which you wish to go. In the absence of an agreement, we will be able to check the possibility of an agreement with the desired educational establishment.
Step 2 – Selection
We invite you to read about the framing instructions which details in particular the selection criteria for applications.
The selection is made by a commission made up of the deputy vice-president of Europe, international & regional cooperation, Relais Relations Internationales teachers from each component, and the administrative manager of the SRICR. Each application is evaluated based on its suitability to the university's objectives in international relations.
Following your selection, the DRI will contact you to complete the mobility kit and make reservations for plane tickets according to the dates you have indicated.
In the event of an advance request: the request must be made by email to the DRI one month before departure.
3 – Steps to follow after mobility
When you return from mobility, you must send the DRI:
- an assessment of your mobility which must specify the results obtained during your mobility with regard to the objectives set.
- the certificate of attendance confirming that you have completed at least 8 hours of teaching for the period concerned,
- the hotel bill,
- boarding passes,
You must also complete your Erasmus+ participant report.
Training mobility
Training mobility allows staff from the University of Reunion Island to train in one of the countries of the European Union and the European zone (see the table below). This training can be done with a training organization or a company, or take the form of supporting a colleague during the exercise of their missions, but does not concern participation in conferences, conferences, seminars. and other similar events. This mobility is funded by the European Union as part of the university's EU mobility project.
Who can leave?
You must be a permanent staff member of the University of La Réunion or under contract at the time of the mission, a teacher, teacher-researcher or BIATSS staff. There are no nationality requirements.
How long can mobility last?
Mobility can last from 2 days to two months (excluding travel dates). The duration is calculated between the date of the outward journey and that of the return journey.
How many staff can go on mobility?
09 scholarships to be awarded for the year 2023-2024.
What costs are covered by the DRI? The International Relations Department is responsible for purchasing transport tickets.
Staff will benefit during their teaching mobility fromat least 4 daily allowances (considering that the mobility lasts at least 2 days and that the DRI covers the day before and the day after the mobility) and maximum of 7 daily allowances, regardless of the duration of mobility. The amount of the daily allowance depends on the location of the mobility according to the distribution below.
WARNINGS: it is necessary to provide us with the accommodation invoice.
Adult groups | Country of destination | Amount per day in euros |
1 group Countries participating in the program with a high cost of living. | Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, United Kingdom, Sweden | Contents |
2 group Countries participating in the program with an average cost of living | Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal | Contents |
3 group Countries participating in the program with a low cost of living | Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia | Contents |
The training registration fees can be supported by the DRI upon decision of the selection commission when the training is in line with the objectives of the University of La Réunion in terms of international relations. Then, the costs will be covered up to a maximum of €400.
The ERASMUS+ program and the mobility of individuals with disabilities:
The Erasmus + program pays particular attention to reception, orientation and educational and technical support and especially to the additional costs linked to the mobility of individuals with disabilities. The aim is to ensure that every individual fully benefits from their European mobility experience.
Each higher education establishment, by signing the Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), is committed to ensuring equal access and mobility opportunities for participants from all backgrounds. Consequently, individuals with disabilities can benefit from the support services that the host institution offers to its students and staff. Here for information is the notes.
Is it possible to request an advance?
For staff who wish to make an advance request, it is imperative to send an email to the DRI one month before the start of mobility.
1 – The application
You must complete the form application validated by your supervisor.
2 – Selection
We invite you to read about the framing instructions which details in particular the selection criteria for applications.
The selection is made by a commission made up of the vice-president in charge of international relations and regional cooperation, Relais Relations Internationales teachers from each component, the person responsible for continuing staff training within the HR department and the manager administrative department of the DRI. Each application is evaluated based on its suitability to the objectives of the University of La Réunion in terms of international relations.
Following the selection, the DRI will contact staff to complete the mobility kit and make travel ticket reservations.
For staff with specific needs: staff whose mobility would generate additional costs due to their state of physical or mental health may benefit from coverage of these costs by the UR under certain conditions. It is necessary for these personnel to contact the DRI as soon as possible. Any request made less than one month before the start of mobility cannot be financed.
In the event of an advance request: the request must be made by email to the DRI one month before departure.
3 – Steps to follow after mobility
When you return from mobility, you must send the DRI:
- the original certificate of attendance signed by the training or host establishment,
- an accommodation invoice made out in your name if you have paid for your accommodation,
- original boarding passes.
If these documents are not received, the DRI will not be able to reimburse the accommodation costs.
You must complete your final participant report online, which will be sent to you by email. here is a report template. We invite you to monitor spam in your mailbox if you do not receive the invitation to enter your report at the end of your mobility.
The REUNION (Regional Exchange University Indian OceaN) program is a program of the University of La Réunion. It aims to strengthen inter-university partnerships in the Indian Ocean region.
This is a large-scale supervised mobility program for the benefit of students and also teaching staff and teacher-researchers at universities in the Indian Ocean.
The objective of the REUNION project is to improve the skills and qualifications of students and teaching and research staff through improved mobility between the countries of the Greater Indian Ocean region and Reunion Island. Strengthening cooperation between higher education institutions in the region will increase access to quality education. In addition, the mobility of staff (teachers and research staff) will strengthen the international cooperation capacities of the University of Reunion Island and partner universities.
To apply, complete the online form
The operation REGIONAL EXCHANGE UNIVERSITY INDIAN OCEAN (MEETING) is co-financed by the European Union under the INTERREG VI-Indian Ocean 2021-2027 cooperation programme.
Testimonials from REUNION program staff
Discover the testimonies of staff who have benefited from the REUNION program