Opening up to worlds
A policy of international relations
The internationalization strategy constitutes a strong axis of the five-year contract of the University of La Réunion which aims, for the 2020-25 term, to consolidate the strategic positioning of the University of La Réunion in its regional and extra-regional environment.
The development of the partnership policy of the University of Reunion as well as the definition
of a strategic positioning of the university in the Indian-oceanic space constitute challenges
important aspects of this mandate.
Strengthen its attractiveness
In order to strengthen its attractiveness, the University of Reunion aims to deploy a policy
quality reception as part of the “Welcome to France” label and increased development of
outgoing mobility of students and staff through the mobilization of new key actions of
European programs 2021-2027 (ERASMUS+, Horizon Europe) and the launch of the program
regional mobility “REUNION”. The pursuit of such objectives requires that attention be paid to
preparation for mobility, of which language policy constitutes the keystone. Also, she assumes
a strengthening of the French as a Foreign Language (FLE) plan, support for regional languages and
continued improvement of students’ English skills.
Develop and strengthen connections
The University of Reunion also intends to strengthen its links with university networks, including
she is a partner, or that she initiated.
This will involve, on the one hand, making the University of Reunion Island a bridgehead establishment
European higher education in its regional environment by structuring an offer
training and research across the Indian Ocean region. To do this, the establishment
will work jointly with its partners to structure the network of establishments
of higher education in the Indian Ocean, which will allow all stakeholders to have a space of
reflection and actions, with the common goal of developing a complementary or common offer,
in certain areas, in terms of training, research and innovation, relying on
the French and European ESR example and drawing on the experiences and skills developed
by all the stakeholders concerned.
It will also be appropriate to position the establishment at the extra-regional level within the framework of
European consortia on themes relevant to it (biodiversity, health, energy,
interculturality, etc.) with targeted partners with a view to better integration into the European area
education and research.
3 strategic axes identified within this ambition:
Goal 1 | Stocks |
Develop a quality reception policy within the framework of the “Bienvenue en France” label and outgoing mobility of students and staff based on European programs (ERASMUS+, INTERREG) and the future regional mobility program entitled REUNION. | Establish a one-stop reception for international students. Strengthen preparation for mobility by supporting the development of regional languages and continuing to increase users’ skills in English. Implement the REUNION regional mobility program. |
Goal 2 | Stocks |
Strengthen the positioning of the University of La Réunion in the Indian Ocean region by structuring the training and research offer within the framework of the network of higher education establishments in the Indian Ocean. | Strengthen the role of ambassador of the French and European ESR-I model in this area. Continue the development and structuring of the network of higher establishments in the Indian Ocean, established in 2018. Ensure the establishment and continue the development of internationalized diplomas that complement the offerings of neighboring countries by working on the training-research link. |
Goal 3 | Stocks |
Participate in a European university project by developing synergies in training and research via dedicated networks. | Participate in a thematic European alliance project consistent with the promising areas of the outermost regions (OR) Increase the physical, virtual and mixed mobility of students through the integration of new European partners. Take part in the animation and structuring of the networks serving this project (networks European, national and regional. |