Closure of the Tampon and Terre Sainte campuses Thursday January 25, 2024
Moderate tropical storm CANDICE is currently 225 km north of Reunion Island. Regular and at times heavy rain is expected in the South-East, South and West of Reunion in the evening with a significant impact announced by Météo-France, tomorrow Thursday. These areas have also been placed on orange alert for heavy rain and thunderstorms. A yellow warning for strong winds is also in effect in all areas except the North.
In accordance with the principle of caution decided by the Academy with the closure of these establishments mainly in the regions which will be most strongly impacted and in connection with the services of the Prefecture, the establishment will close the sites, campuses and components located in the municipalities of Saint-Pierre and Le Tampon this Thursday, January 25, 2024.
All educational activities are affected (stopping lectures, tutorials, practical work, checks and exams, both face-to-face and remotely).
The administrative activities of the sites concerned are maintained exclusively by teleworking to the extent possible for all agents assigned to the sites mentioned.
These decisions do not concern any of the Saint-Denis sites which will welcome students and agents under the usual conditions.
The establishment calls on all students and staff to exercise the greatest caution as the meteor approaches and assures the entire university community of its support and solidarity in dealing with this cyclonic episode.