“France Relaunch” plan
In October 2020, the University of Reunion responded to a call for projects for the financing of renovations of buildings owned by the State or its public establishments assigned to higher education missions, research and university and school works .
December 14, 2020, during the national strategic real estate conference, 4 files were selected in favor of the energy renovation of State buildings, higher education, research and student life, for an amount of 2,7 billion euros. In this context, the University of Reunion was awarded €6M TDC for the realization of 7 projects:
- Site de la Victoire – IAE: installation of air mixers, an operation costing €83 inclusive tax, the end of which is scheduled for the 3rd quarter of 2021.
- Terre-Sainte campus – IUT: installation of air mixers in the premises of department 3/4, an operation costing €73 TDC, the end of which is scheduled for the 3rd quarter of 2021.
- Bellepierre site – INSPE: replacement of the chilled water production group, an operation costing €127 inclusive tax, scheduled for completion at the end of 2021.
- LaTechnopole site: replacement of the chilled water production group, an operation costing €229 inclusive of tax, scheduled for completion at the end of 2021 – beginning of 2022.
- Moufia campus: replacement of 6 chilled water production groups for buildings S6abc, S4ab, S4cd, E1b, S5, EVE, replacement of the air conditioning group and air distribution of building S3, and the installation of chilled water air conditioning for the A1e building. This is a €1.2 million TDC operation which is scheduled to end on 1er 2022 semester.
- Moufia campus: renovation of public lighting, an operation costing €756 inclusive tax, scheduled for completion at the end of 2022.
- Moufia campus: renovation of the S1 building on the GER and energy performance part, an operation worth €3.55 million TDC, scheduled for completion in December 2023.
All of these projects, led by the Technical Directorate of Real Estate Assets (DTPI) of the establishment, aim to reduce the energy footprint of public buildings, in accordance with the provisions of decree no. 2019-771 of July 23, 2019. relating to obligations to take action to reduce final energy consumption in buildings for tertiary use (known as “tertiary decree”) taken pursuant to article 175 of the law of November 23, 2018 relating to the development of housing, planning and digital technology (known as the “ELAN Law”).
We estimate thus:
- an energy gain on delivery of: 342 kWh/year
- a saving on energy consumption of around €50k/year
- a greenhouse gas saving of 232 kgeqCO575/year
The selected projects can be consulted using digital mapping accessible from the State real estate website.