Call for applications for the designation of three external personalities called to sit on the council of the Institute of Business Administration (IAE) of the University of Reunion

As part of the general renewal of the members of the Council of the Institute of Business Administration (IAE), the Institute of Business Administration of the University of Reunion is launching a public call for applications for the designation of three personalities external to the establishment who will sit in a personal capacity within this Council.


MAY 09, 2023 AT 00:00 a.m. strict deadline


Eligibility criteria:

Can apply:
External personalities are chosen because of their competence and, in particular, their
their role in the activities corresponding to the specialties taught at the IAE of the University of La
Meeting, namely in management sciences and management.

The mandate :

The mandate of external personalities, members of the IAE council is for a duration of
four years. External personalities serve on a voluntary basis.

Designation terms:

The IAE council votes by secret ballot with an absolute majority in the first round and with a majority
relating to the second round on all the applications selected to nominate the first
qualified external personality. A new vote, in the same form, is organized
immediately to designate the second qualified external personality. Likewise, for the

Conditions for submitting applications:

The deadline for receipt of applications is May 09, 2023 at 00:00 a.m.–
strict limit.
The applications are:

  • or sent by email to the following address:
    • An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent
  • either sent by post with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address: 24, avenue de la Victoire – CS 92003 – 97744 ST DENIS CEDEX 9
    • The envelopes must include: a cover letter and a Curriculum Vitae addressed to the Director of the IAE, Mr. Pascal PICARD.

Contact :

For any questions, you can contact Ms. Sylvie FELUT-RIVIÈRE, Administrative and Financial Manager at

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