Presentation of University Diplomas (DU) 2022-2023 / 2023-2024 “Beach erosion processes and coastline management strategies” at OSU-Réunion 

Wednesday March 20, 2023, on the University campus of Moufia, the University of Reunion and the DEAL, representing the coastal observatory of Reunion, carried out for the first time an official presentation of the University Diploma (DU) diplomas “Process beach erosion and coastline management strategies”.

Offered since 2017, this DU is in its 5th promotion. It is dedicated to professionals (territorial engineers and technicians) who are responsible for managing the coastline and coastal risks. The training is provided by a team made up of academics (University of Reunion, UMR Espace-Dev, OSU-Réunion, University of Western Brittany), DEAL and BRGM with whom partners were able to join depending on the years. invested in GEMAPI (TO), ecological restoration (CEDTM) or scientific mediation (Vie Océane).

This event marks a significant moment for the teaching team since since 2022 this training has been part of the training initiatives of the Coastal Observatory (DEAL, Region, BRGM, OSU-Réunion/Université de La Réunion CNRS IRD Météo France, UBO), “Nout bord’mer” whose objective is collective resilience in the face of coastal risks through knowledge sharing.

This short and intense training now takes place every year over 23 hours: 1 day in the field, 1 day devoted to the morphodynamics of the coastlines and a day on the regulatory and management framework. 3 days which, in 2023, made it possible to train on the one hand, 12 professionals already in activity, from different structures: ONF, CEREMA, Municipalities, EPCI, Region, DEAL and on the other hand, 10 students from the Master 2 RNET (Natural Resources and Risks in the Natural Environment). The association of students in initial training and professionals training “throughout life” makes this University Diploma a rich and original moment of training.

In 2023, the success was such that there were more applications than places available. The DU having also received applications from elected officials and secondary school teachers, the Coastal Observatory wishes to organize training for elected officials for 2024 and work is already underway with the rectorate for a DU for teachers of History-Geography and Life and Earth Sciences at secondary level and sustainable development referents.

The University of Réunion and all the members of the Coastal Observatory congratulate all the graduates for their investment and success and wish them to be able to put their new skills at the service of society.

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