
Start date: 01/09/2022 End date: 31/08/2025 Horizon Europe funding: Total project budget: 1 Presentation, objective(s): TwInSolar (“Improving research and innovation to achieve massive integration of solar energies”) is a European research and innovation project which aims to massively integrate solar energy and accelerate […]

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Start date : 01 / 09 / 2022

End date : 31 / 08 / 2025

Horizon Europe funding :

Total project budget: 1

Presentation, objective(s):

TwInSolar (“Improving research and innovation to achieve massive integration of solar energy”) is a European research and innovation project which aims to achieve massive integration of solar energy and accelerate the transition energy of the island of Reunion. Coordinated by the University of Reunion, the collaboration brings together 5 partners including the best European research centers in the field. The main objective of the TwInSolar project is to accelerate the energy transition in Reunion and other island territories, through the strengthening of the R&I community in Reunion.

The partners of the operation

The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (Fraunhofer-ISE), the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Nexa, the Réunion Regional Development, Investment and Innovation Agency and the Commission of Islands of the Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions (CPMR)

The website

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