Exhibition and conference on sexual violence at the University of Reunion

victims of sexual violence express themselves through art

Psychotraum'Artistes is an artistic exhibition on sexual violence and the psychotrauma that results from it.

The exhibited works are the fruit of the creativity of survivors of sexual violence, who wished to bear witness to the consequences that this violence had on their lives by expressing themselves through drawings, paintings, collages, sculptures or even poems.

In addition to providing an opportunity for expression for these resilient women, the exhibition also aims to shed scientific light on psychotraumatic mechanisms. Psychological damage which very frequently occurs following sexual violence, the psychotraumatic mechanisms are still too little known today by the general public as by certain professionals in contact with the victims.

Validation of the scientific content of the exhibition was carried out by Dr Christine Visnelda-Douzain, psychiatrist specializing in psychotrauma.

To accompany this exhibition, the Alon feminism Réunion association also offers you:

Morning conference: “Psychotrauma and support for victims of sexual violence” on Saturday November 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at the Saint-Denis Sciences BU
– a psychiatrist,
– the Union of Reunionese Women (UFR),
– the Collective for the Elimination of Intra-Family Violence (CEVIF),
– the Family Protection House of the Réunion Gendarmerie,
- a lawyer
– and an art therapist.

Free entry and open to all.

Registration (obligatory for exteriors):

Practical information :

Exhibition visible from November 6, 2023 to January 26, 2024
Saint-Denis Sciences University Library
Moufia campus – 15 avenue René Cassin – Saint-Denis
Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 19:00 p.m. and Saturday from 12:00 p.m. to 16:00 p.m.

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