Our establishment operates in the service of the general interest

Dear colleagues, Madam Minister of Higher Education and Research has notified our colleague, University Professor Frédéric MIRANVILLE, President of the University of La Réunion, of her suspension as a precautionary measure for a period of one year from this day. This decision follows a referral to the Inspectorate […]

Dear colleagues, 

Madam the Minister of Higher Education and Research has notified our colleague, University Professor Frédéric MIRANVILLE, President of the University of La Réunion, of her suspension as a precautionary measure for a period of one year from this date. day. This decision follows a referral from the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and Research (IGESR) which launched an administrative investigation in recent months.

It will be up to the competent authorities to follow up on this decision and to investigate, in strict compliance with the presumption of innocence, any suspicions of harassment that may be raised. 

This situation, provided for by the statutory provisions of our establishment, leads me to assume the Presidency of the University of Reunion in the absence of the President. I am aware of the responsibility entrusted to me and I immediately place myself at the service of our establishment as well as all of its students and staff.

I assure you of my full mobilization to carry out the project that we have built with all the other colleagues of the presidential team whom I know are mobilized around me in the service of the general interest of our university. I warmly thank them for their expressions of support and solidarity in the exercise of my new functions.

I also want to reassure you: our establishment will operate under normal conditions. Teaching, educational and research activities will be carried out as usual. In the days to come, I will mobilize our administrative teams to ensure the continuity of the public service to which we are all fundamentally attached.

I also want to recall that under the current mandate, internal provisions and independent procedures have been established to prevent situations of suspected harassment. In addition to systematic support from social, psychological and health specialists, staff have protocols for reporting psychosocial risks and situations of suspected moral harassment allowing individual situations to be taken into account and the search for resolutions with the objective of put a lasting end to these difficulties for collective well-being within the community.

I want to conclude my remarks by telling you that I understand the emotion that this situation could cause in the establishment. I collectively appeal to the sense of responsibility and calm of the university community which must know how to come together to continue our activities in serenity. 

Please accept, dear colleagues, the expression of my best regards.

Dr Dominique MORAU

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