Internal dialogue and participatory budget planning for the University of La Réunion and its components

CPOM, participatory management tool

In order to strengthen the readability of its budgetary policy as well as the quality of its transversal management, the University of Reunion is engaged in an internal contractualization process with its training components (read elsewhere) by determining in an articulated, synchronized and co-constructs multi-year commitments translated into human and financial resources. These are based on the establishment's 2020-2025 establishment contract, validated in November 2021 by the
Minister of Higher Education and Research and will be ratified by the signing of multi-year agreements on objectives and means (CPOM) between the establishment and its components.
The first signings of CPOM 2023 took place this Wednesday, April 12, in the presence of Frédéric MIRANVILLE, president of the University of Reunion, Jean-Michel JAUZE, vice-president of the board of directors in charge of general affairs, Jasmine DIJOUX , director of the Institute of Illiteracy and Indian Ocean Languages, Anne-Françoise ZATTARA, provisional administrator of the Confucius Institute of Reunion and Marie annick GINER, Deputy Director of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences.

A 2023 budget on the rise

The establishment, the region's leading research and training force, welcoming 19 students each year, has a budget of nearly 000 million euros in revenue and around 162 million euros in expenses, i.e. a surplus budget balance of +€157M. With a cash level estimated at more than €4,9 million (almost double compared to 11), an accounting profit of €2022 million, a self-financing capacity of €5,4 million and a working capital of 8,5, 29,4 M€, all the establishment's budgetary and financial indicators are evolving very positively upwards. In terms of evolution of the endowment
allocated to the components, the total annual CPOM budget was on average 2
euros (1), against a 2023 budget amounting to 2 euros, an increase of almost 799 euros.
Out of thirteen components, six of them recorded a significant increase in the financial resources allocated to them this year (2) compared to the annual average over the 2018-2021 period. For example, the increases range from 9 euros (OSU-R), up to 637 euros (Faculty of Sciences and Technologies).

The University of Reunion, plural and multisite

The University of Reunion, the only French and European university in the Indian Ocean, is located throughout the territory and is made up of several internal training components:

  • 5 faculties: Law and Economics; Letters and Human Sciences ; Health ; Human and Environmental Sciences; Science and Technology)
  • 5 institutes: Confucius Institute of Reunion; Institute of Illiteracy and Languages ​​of the Indian Ocean; Indian Oceanic Digital Institute; National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education - INSPE; University Institute of Technology – IUT
  • 3 schools: IAE Réunion University School of Management; Higher School of Engineering Réunion Indian Ocean – ESIROI;
  • 1 observatory of the Sciences of the Universe Réunion -OSU-R.
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