8th edition of the international week

For more than 40 years, the University of Reunion has opened its doors to international students and offered an opening to the world to Reunion students as well as to the establishment's staff. For the 8th consecutive time, the university organized the International Week, an event which includes the #ErasmusDays, from October 9 to 14 on the Moufia, Terre Sainte and Tampon sites. In this context, 20 students will travel for the first time to the European continent for an exceptional visit to the European Parliament. A look back at Europe Day, the #ERASMUSDAYS, this Thursday, October 12.

A week dedicated to the international world takes place from October 9 to 14 on several sites of the University of Reunion: information meetings, cultural events, aperitif-quizzes and board games on the theme of Europe, “Village of the world " …. 

So many actions intended to highlight international experiences and share information regarding the different exchange programs. 

This unifying event is aimed at the 19 local students, the 000 international students coming from 784 different countries and the institution's agents. Each day is dedicated to a theme: Indian Ocean (Monday 56 and Tuesday 9), Asia (Wednesday 10), #ErasmusDays (Thursday 11) and North America (Friday 12).

New mobility programs

During the 2022-2023 academic year, 124 students from the University of La Réunion went on international mobility, compared to 74 departures the previous year.

The University of Reunion offers 3 new mobility programs for this return:

  • The programme Asian exchanges : study programs at six renowned and internationally accredited Asian universities.
  • 2 programs with Rwanda and Madagascar, funded by the ERASMUS+ 2023 “Mobility of students and staff in higher education” and cross-mobility programs of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. The Erasmus+ program with ethiopia is renewed for an amount of €346

#ERASMUSDAYS: European citizenship and inclusion

The University of La Réunion has been involved in the ERASMUS+ program for more than thirty years. The establishment now has more than 347 disciplinary agreements with 133 European establishments. During these #ErasmusDays, European citizenship and inclusion are key themes, developed in particular during the aperitif-quiz or through board games dedicated to Europe made available by the CRIJ. A moment of conviviality for students who will be able to discover knowledge about Europe in a fun way. The “World Village” allowed meetings between international and local students, also favored as part of the “Buddy System” sponsorship program. Finally, information meetings were held in “hybrid” mode and could therefore be entirely followed by videoconference for students from the different sites.

On the occasion of these #ErasmusDays 2023, the university presented, in partnership with the European Parliament, a unique operation: “ 20 students from Réunion at the European Parliament ". This action, co-financed by the two partners, will allow students of the Public Administration Degree (LAP) – sponsored by European Deputy Stéphane Bijoux, to attend a plenary session of the European Parliament.

In connection with their undergraduate training, this project will give them the unique opportunity to discover from the inside the functioning of European institutions or even – for several of them, to travel to the European continent for the first time! 

A time of exchange between these students and the MEP was held on Thursday October 12, in the presence of the First Vice-President of the establishment, Dominique MORAU, and Anne-Françoise ZATTARA, Deputy Vice-President Europe & International , regional cooperation and Hélène PONGERARD-PAYET, director of studies for the Public Administration License (LAP) Prépa-Talents.

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