Signature of a framework cooperation agreement with the University of Pondicherry

This framework cooperation agreement extends the existing areas of collaboration between the two establishments and will govern the exchange of staff and students, promote the development of joint training and research programs, the joint scientific direction of research work or even the joint organization of scientific events as well as access to scientific and educational knowledge (exchange of documentation and publications).

A long-standing cooperation

The two establishments, located in territories sharing a common history, have been cooperating for many years on various themes (French-speaking literature, geography, history, anthropology, etc.).

In particular, the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, the Research laboratory on Creole and French-speaking spaces (LCF) and the Déplacements, Identités, Regards, Ecritures (DIRE) research laboratory have developed scientific and educational collaborations, particularly with the French department of the University of Pondicherry, giving rise to cross-mobility of teacher-researchers, publications and joint events.

More recently, in the field of geography, a partnership was formalized with the School of social sciences and international studies of this university. Close links have also been forged with the Center for Research on Indian Ocean Societies (CRESOI) through joint scientific publications.

An ambition to join the ERASMUS+ program

Furthermore, the two universities aim to participate in the ERASMUS+ program since they have just submitted a consortium project (International Credit Mobility – for a period of 3 years: 2024-2027) with 7 French and Indian establishments including :

  • the University of Poitiers,
  • Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lumière Lyon 2,
  • Vellore Institute of Technology
  • the CSIR-CIMAP.

This project aims to finance student mobility (at master's and doctoral level) as well as teaching and administrative staff. This project is a continuation of the Franco-Indian Campus called ILIADE, supported by the UR, which brings together 6 of these partner institutions. This new collaboration will strengthen the already existing links between our two universities and allow students and staff to benefit from them.

Anne-Françoise ZATTARA, Vice-President Europe, international & regional cooperation at the University of Reunion, holding the initials containing the framework agreement
the governance of Pondicherry University represented by its President, Prof. K. THARANIKKARASU, and its head of international relations, MA SUBRAMANYAM RAJU, as well as the project team represented by Mr. Thirumurugan CALIVARATHAN, professor in the French department .

Photo caption: On the left, Anne-Françoise ZATTARA, Vice-President Europe, international & regional cooperation at the University of Reunion.

On the right, the governance of Pondicherry University represented by its President, Prof. K. THARANIKKARASU, and its head of international relations, MA SUBRAMANYAM RAJU, as well as the project team represented by Mr. Thirumurugan CALIVARATHAN, professor in the French department.

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