The University of La Réunion and the Crous de La Réunion-Mayotte are committed to students

This Monday, September 18, the University of La Réunion, represented by its President, Frédéric MIRANVILLE, and the Crous de La Réunion Mayotte, represented by its Director General, Pierre-Olivier SEMPÈRE, signed a framework agreement aimed at strengthening their collaboration in favor of students. This signing took place in the presence of the President of the CNOUS, Dominique MARCHAND.

“Student life” is one of the missions bringing together the services and actions which contribute to the success of students by promoting their moral and physical well-being, their personal and intellectual development, their taking of initiative and their affirmation as citizens, while reinforcing their feeling of belonging to an establishment. This mission is envisaged within the framework of a strong partnership policy between the actors of a territory.

The Crous de La Réunion and Mayotte and the University of La Réunion join forces to develop partnerships with local stakeholders, aimed at improving the daily lives of students.

The network of university works helps to ensure that students have a quality of welcome and life conducive to the success of their training course. It carries out a social assistance mission and contributes to the information and education of students in health matters. It promotes their mobility.

It also contributes to improving the living and working conditions of all members of the university community (article L.822-1 of the education code).

The Crous de La Réunion and Mayotte, as a major player in the policy in favor of student life, with the participation of student representatives, in particular the students elected to its board of directors and residence councils, aims to mission to contribute to the success of all the academy's students, by ensuring them satisfactory living conditions during their studies. It has a social mission at the heart of its purpose, but it is not restrictive. The Crous de La Réunion and Mayotte aims to support young people towards their development. 

The University of Reunion has chosen to position the student at the heart of its project. This ambition is reflected in a structured and dynamic student life policy which involves students. The establishment's quality of student life strategy is developed around seven axes on all of its campuses: quality reception, lively campuses, a varied range of physical and sporting activities, access to care and social assistance for all, cultural discovery activities and a dynamic associative fabric. This strategy is envisaged in a strong partnership policy with territorial stakeholders who contribute to improving student life.

The University of La Réunion and the Crous de La Réunion and Mayotte share the values ​​of public service in higher education and research. They contribute to the success of all with a concern for social justice and openness. Their action towards the same public, the students, confronts them with the same challenges of maintaining the republican ambition of public higher education in the face of increases in numbers linked to the particular demographics of the island of Reunion and budgetary constraints. national.

Rich in the same values ​​in the service of students, the University of La Réunion and the Crous de La Réunion and Mayotte, choose to strengthen their collaboration which aims to:

  • To affirm the common values ​​and objectives that unite partner establishments;
  • To affirm a common strategy for improving student living conditions;
  • To facilitate the monitoring of actions and projects relating to student life.
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