PAT'ZERBAZ, Valorization of extracts from the indigenous and endemic flora of Reunion using an innovative extraction method, intended for the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and agrochemical markets.

Start date: 01/01/2019 End date: 31/12/2021 ERDF financing: Total project budget: €189659 Amount of total ERDF financing: €151727,58 Amount of financing other than total ERDF: 37 € (Region) Presentation, objective(s): The PAT'Zerbaz project aimed to promote extracts of the endemic and exotic flora of the […]

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Start date : 01 / 01 / 2019

End date : 31 / 12 / 2021

FEDER financing :

Total project budget: €189659

Amount of total FEDER financing: €151727,58

Amount of financing other than FEDER total: €37 (Region)

Presentation, objective(s):

The PAT'Zerbaz project aimed to promote extracts from the endemic and exotic flora of Reunion Island through an innovative production and extraction method for active ingredients. This is an exclusive and patented “Plantes à Traire®” technology based on green exploitation of the active ingredients contained in the roots of plants while being respectful of the environment, avoiding the destruction of the plant during production. , drastically reducing the impact on plant biodiversity. It allows not only the discovery of new molecules contained in this compartment and the determination of their biological activities of interest, but also their production on an industrial scale. While contributing to preserving the natural heritage, PAT'Zerbaz participates in the economic development of the PAPAM sector in Reunion by offering high value-added outlets thanks to downstream industrial partnerships already well established in the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and agrochemistry nationally and internationally. The innovations expected at the end of the PAT'Zerbaz research program can be summarized by the following points:

  1. The discovery of active ingredients and new molecules not yet described in the literature and isolated from endemic and exotic plants from Reunion Island.
  2. Determination of biosynthesis pathways and control of production and extraction parameters of molecules of interest in plants from Reunion Island
  3. The demonstration of new biological activities for the isolated molecules: anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and cosmetic.

The partners of the operation

  1. CHEMBIOPRO (Laboratory of Chemistry and Biotechnology of Natural Products), University of La Réunion, France.
  2. Plant Advanced Technologies (PAT), Nancy, France.
  3. Société Horticole du Bassin Plat (SHBP), Réunion, France.
  4. Réunion Association for the Modernization of the Fruit, Vegetable and Horticultural Economy (ARMEFLHOR), Réunion, France.2. IPCM (Paris Institute of Molecular Chemistry) UMR-CNRS 8232, Sorbonne University, France. Researchers involved: Richard VILLANEAU (MCF-HDR), Hélène GERARD (Pr)

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