Welcoming international students for semester 2

On January 27, international exchange students newly arrived on the island were officially welcomed by the University of Reunion in the Jean-Claude Miré council room, on the Moufia campus. The welcome morning allowed them to meet staff from the International Relations Department and other University services, but also to find out about courses, accommodation and registration procedures.

Our local “student ambassadors” and members of the ISRUN (International Students of Reunion Island) association also joined the morning to present the various student activities planned for this semester.

In addition to the international students already present since the start of the school year last August, the University of Reunion is welcoming 30 new international students on an exchange program this semester. Via the Erasmus+ and BCI programs, a total of 12 nationalities have just joined us this semester from Germany, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Spain, Ethiopia, Italy, Lithuania , Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Switzerland.

Photo of international students, seated in the Jean Claude MIRE advice room, during their return to the University of Reunion
Photo of international students in the Jean Claude MIRE Council room, for their first meeting at the University of Reunion
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