Renovation work on the Moufia and Terre-Sainte campuses

The operation to renovate and improve the energy performance of buildings at the University of La Réunion – 1st tranche is co-financed by the European Union.

Logos of the EU, Feder, French Republic, Réunion Region

In support of the constant development of our establishment since its creation forty years ago, the real estate assets of the University of Reunion have been gradually built up and 25 to 30% of the surface areas were built more than 25 years ago.

Subject to a tropical climate, mostly near the ocean, this heritage must face specific environmental constraints and therefore wear and tear. These constraints are also opportunities to develop and experiment with design solutions and original techniques to meet user needs.

The real estate strategy of the University of Reunion is based in this sense on the orientations of the State Real Estate Policy (PIE) and the major issues highlighted by the diagnosis of its real estate portfolio. This mainly involves ensuring the sustainability of heritage by addressing the obsolescence of the oldest buildings and contributing to the energy transition by improving the energy performance of buildings.

The priorities of the University of La Réunion as set out in its multi-year plan
of Real Estate Strategy (SPSI) 2018 – 2022 are currently as follows:

  1. Specialize campuses and assert their identity;
  2. Renovate and rationalize existing infrastructure;
  3. Finalize new construction projects;
  4. Ensure financial sustainability.

Performance improvement operation

On the basis of energy diagnostics carried out between November 2018 and June 2019 and under the aegis of the technical management of real estate assets (DTPI), two sites benefited from thermal renovation and Major Maintenance Repair (GER) operations, namely the Moufia campus and that of Terre-Sainte.

The buildings selected were chosen because of their high use, their significant electricity consumption and their low energy performance. Buildings L1, L2, E1a, D1, E6, S1, E1b on the Moufia site and departments 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the Terre Sainte site were affected.

Overall on the two campuses, the operations to improve energy performance consisted of removing the joinery (which did not allow ventilation), replaced today by blinds accompanied by air fans and a new system air conditioning, new generation LED lighting, sunshades and roof insulation for thermal comfort for building users.
These energy and building renovations, which will be completed by the end of 2022, were financed by FEDER funds and the State, for a total amount of 7,955 million euros (€6 million for performance energy and €510 million for major repair maintenance (GER).

On the Moufia campus, the L1 building of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences has been the subject of particularly important work, including energy renovation and GER work.

We were therefore able to undertake work on painting, replacing part of the false ceilings, upgrading fire safety equipment for able-bodied people and people with disabilities, exterior joinery and renovation of the sanitary facilities allowing their accessibility to people with reduced mobility (PRM).

This work was carried out in close collaboration with the deans of the components, the
administrative managers, site correspondents, the technical manager of the Terre Sainte campus, managed internally for the technical and organizational part by the DTPI and for financial monitoring by the Directorate of Real Estate and Monitoring of European Funds (DIFE) .

A great example of successful synergy within our university.

The operation to renovate and improve the energy performance of buildings at the University of La Réunion – 1st tranche is co-financed by the European Union.

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