Priorities and means seminar 2024, preparatory to the COMP of the University of Reunion

Each year an internal strategic seminar is held dedicated to the priorities and resources of the establishment, bringing together all the departments of the University of Reunion.

For the 2023 edition, a format extended to all elected officials. bodies of the establishment were set up on June 12 and 13, in order to allow the greatest collegiality in the management of the establishment and to prepare in collective intelligence – on the one hand the future dialogue of budgetary orientations to come to the Board of Directors and on the other hand, the bases of the Objectives, Means and Performance Contract (COMP) which should be proposed to the Minister of Higher Education and Research next semester.

The COMP is a new contract between the State and the universities which must be linked to the five-year contract and allow, under performance control, to provide additional funding targeted on strategic priorities shared by the ministry and the establishment himself. The objective is to strengthen the autonomy and accountability of universities.

Two days of dialogue and co-construction

This new tool was therefore the subject of a special presentation during this seminar. Participants were invited to co-construct shared indicators to feed into the next key stages of the institutional roadmap, namely the budgetary orientation debate, the framework letter, the adoption of budgets and the jobs campaign.
The opening of the first day of the seminar began with a presentation of the context, strategy and key figures of our establishment by the President and Chairman of the Academic Council of the University of La Réunion. The ambition of the University of Reunion is to become the eco-university of resilience to climate change in island and tropical environments.

To do this, 3 priorities are positioned:

  1. Two fields of training for an initial and lifelong professional training offer of excellence
  2. Cutting-edge scientific centers integrated into a research platform and a House of Human Sciences of Indianoceania
  3. An international strike force supported by a network of universities and higher education establishments in the Indian Ocean

The morning was closed by an intervention by CESER members with the presentation of the study “territorial transformation indicators” from the finance and evaluation commission, which reinforced the logic of the territorial implementation and investment strategy in service of the territory of the University of Reunion.

4 participatory workshops

Structured around the four axes of the establishment contract with the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, four workshops punctuated the afternoon of June 12 and the morning of June 13:

  • Training, Success and Student Life Workshop (FRVE) 
  • International Relations, FC and Digital Workshop (RIFCN)
  • Research and Valorization Workshop (VR)
  • Workshop on Management, Quality of Life, Equality and Eco campus (PQV2E)

A sequence of collective restitution of the workshops was held at the end of the seminar allowing all participants to benefit from a transversal vision on the question of resources in the different fields.

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