Formal back-to-school ceremony for Prépa Talents classes

Friday October 20, 28 students from the two Prépas Talents classes run by the University of La Réunion were solemnly welcomed at the prefecture.

In February 2021, the President of the Republic launched the plan Public Service Talents, announcing the opening at the start of the 2021 school year of two new ones” Talent Preparation ” in each region and the establishment of a dedicated competition to promote social diversity in the public service. These training courses are intended to support talented young people from modest origins towards public service careers thanks to reinforced preparation courses for competitions for the three public services: State, territorial and hospital.

At the start of the academic year in August 2021, the University of Reunion notably opened two classes in this device, placing Reunion Island at the time as the only overseas territory to be part of the first 74 “Prépas Talents”, today numbering 100.

In Reunion, these classes are backed on the one hand for the public administration license (open to initial and continuing training) and on the other hand to masters in public law and economics applied from the Faculty of Law and Economics of the University of La Réunion.

In the presence of Mr. Prefect of La Réunion, Jérôme FILIPPINI and Mr. Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the University of La Réunion in charge of Training and university life, Jérôme GARDODY, our students celebrated this solemn return to school.

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